Within the Imperial Patriarchate, We are again pleased with the growth of operations and, of course, thanks to the diligent efforts of those involved, the recent grant of special consultative status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council. Since the outreach mission of the Imperial Patriarchate is quite in line with so much of the mission of the Economic and Social Council, We believe this is an excellent match that will help to further our work around the world.
We also congratulate Our various officials who have received special recognition and accolades this year. It is always a pleasure to see good people recognised for their diligent work.
Let us pray as well for those who are discerning vocations and are currently studying for vocations that God may guide them on the right path.
Additionally, on this feast and celebration of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, having been immaculately conceived, we are reminded of her voluntary act. She was not required to accept the Holy Spirit and to give birth to Christ, but She did. It was through that voluntary act that Christ came into the world. We likewise have the option to choose or not to choose in our faith, and one of the most important areas is in the striving towards Christian unity. We do not need to think that any sense of Christian unity in a complete form will necessarily happen in our lifetime. Yet, we nevertheless should strive for it or for any part of it that we may obtain. We do good work when we find areas of overlap with our Christian brethren. We do good work when we find opportunities for cooperation without compromise. These are better options than simply saying “they” are “them” and “we” are “us.”
We can work towards unity. We can work towards cooperation – voluntarily – or we can voluntarily seek to stay apart. The latter in most cases is so often the result of some sort of sanctimonious arrogance and is quite unfortunate to see, but nevertheless underscores the fallen state of mankind. Let us therefore on this feast of the Nativity of Mary look to her example and extend a hand in brotherhood to all.
May God bless each of you on this very special feast of Mary and as we enter into the new liturgical year, which, for the Imperial Patriarchate, has been designated the Liturgical Year of Christian Unity.