Saturday, March 13, 2021

One Year Anniversary of "Siamo in Guerra" -- Patriarchate Stands for Worldwide Catholic Tradition, Service to Others

By Jean DuBois

FIRENZE-NUOVA ROMA 13 March 2021 (NRom)

Next month will be the one year anniversary of the papal encyclical Siamo in Guerra, in which His Holiness and Eminence the Archfather laid out a description of global war being waged by modernists, socialists, nationalists, and communists against Holy Mother the Catholic Church. The encyclical detailed mechanisms in which the coronavirus pandemic was being exploited to further that war against the church and against the people, placing countless people at risk. Below you can find the English translation of the encyclical and its original Italian text, and also a link for the recitation of the encyclical by His Holiness and Eminence.

Now that the pandemic appears to be in its final stages, it is clear that the war against the church rages on. The pandemic measures and restrictions, now entering their second year, have conditioned people to a so-called “new normal.” The great reset, as some economists and leaders have called it, is a tremendous shift from the values of traditional society, the values of the Catholic Church. Since the Anglican Patriarchate, Pontifical States (Stato Pontificio) represents not just the fullness of the traditional Catholic Faith, but the worldly side of the church as the sole temporal successor to St. Peter the Apostle, it has been very active and vocal over the past year in policy advice secure the rights of the Holy Church and of people. The modern Pontifical States are the historic representative of over 400 million people worldwide, which is a responsibility that the Stephenian Florentine-Roman Curia takes very seriously. The Patriarchate, its clergy, and its lay leaders are dedicated to service to those in need around the world, especially the most poor and vulnerable. The Patriarchate stands for the Catholic Faith as humanity continues through the second decade of the third millennium and beyond.

Siamo in Guerra

To all the Christian Faithful around the World:


     We are truly at war, and this war is not against a virus, but it is the gates of hell against the Holy Church and against the ancient traditions of free society. In truth, this war is one of the most important wars in the history of the world, as we fight for the continuation of the freedom of the church over the world and for the continuation of our civilisation. We cannot doubt that this current fight is very difficult and will continue to be very difficult in the near future. How long it will remain, We do not know, and we cannot know. We do not need to think about this. We should only think of the final victory, a victory only possible through our Lord. Truly, dearest sons and daughters, you are soldiers in the Army of Christ. In this struggle, flags of nations are worth nothing, except only the sacred flag of our Lord and of the Holy Church.

     The forces of the devil in the world used the situation of the virus to establish a great confusion among the people of the world. Many people were afraid, and this fear was the instrument of the devil. The diabolical agents have exploited the situation to remove freedom, not only of the people, but also of the Holy Church. People were robbed and continue to be robbed of their dignity, their freedom, in a more forceful and more complete way than that of the Soviets, and also than that of the Nazis. Yes, it is a good work to save lives, but this situation is not in fact a choice of lives versus money, but lives versus lives. But the agents of the devil have caused many people to think that the real reason is to save lives. Those agents have used this to change the entirety of life, to change businesses, to change the whole of society, and also to change the rights of the Holy Church and the religious freedom of the people. The real reason, the only reason for the actions of most governments of the world is radically to change the true heart of the people and of society. They want society to abandon Christ and to abandon the ancient and sacred traditions in favour of a new socio-fascist world.

     In these days, the people are under the hands of the modernist states. Governments have forced companies to close, but for what crime? For none at all. Governments have chosen winners and losers in an arbitrary way. Governments have also forced a large section of the people under house arrest, but also for what crime? For no crime. It is a work still accomplished in a stronger and more complete way than the that of the Soviets, and also than that Enof the Nazis. Governments, I blame you for the diabolical crime. You do not care about the people under your protection.

     The protection of the people is a sacred charge under God, but governments have failed. The modernists against God, under the banner of saving a number of human lives from this new virus, in truth few in comparison with the population of the world, have endangered hundreds of millions of people in all places around the world – in danger of hunger, danger of deprivation, danger of health problems, danger of bankruptcy, lack of ability to provide for their families. How many of these are supposed to die to save others? Governments cannot say that these lives are worth more than those lives, for governments and government officials are not God. But now they play God. In truth these modernist states want to be God, and they want people to genuflect humbly to the civill government and only to the civil government. This is at the heart of this battle, this war. We cannot let governments replace God with themselves.

     The time is now! We must win for the glory of God! Now is the time when Christians must rise up against the modern forces of the devil! They are not new forces, but they are the same forces of all times in the history of the world. Our valiant ancestors fought against the same forces. Now it is our turn!

A tutti i Cristifideli nel Mondo:


     Siamo in guerra veramente, e questa guerra non è contro un virus, ma è le porte dell’inferno contro la Santa Chiesa e contro le tradizioni antiche della società libera. In verità questa guerra è una delle guerre le più importanti nella storia del mondo, poichè combattiamo per la continuazione della libertà della chiesa sul mondo e per la continuazione della nostra civiltà. Non possiamo avere dubiti che questa lotta adesso è molto dura e seguirà ad essere durissima nel prossimo futuro. Quanto tempo rimane Noi non sapiamo, e non possiamo saperlo. Di questa cosa non dobbiamo pensare. Solo dovremmo pensare dell’ultima vittoria, una vittoria solo possibile per nostro Signore. Veramente, Carissimi figli, voi siete soldati nell’esercito di Cristo. In questa lotta, le bandiere non valgono niente, eccetto solo la sacra bandiera di nostro Signore e della Santa Chiesa. 

     Le forze del diavolo nel mondo ha usato la situazione del virus stabilire una grande confusione nel popolo del mondo. Molta gente ha avuto paura, e questa paura fu il strumento del diavolo. Gli agenti diabolichi hanno sfruttato la situazione per rimuovere la libertà, non solo del popolo, ma anche della Santa Chiesa. La gente era rubata e continua essere rubata della sua dignità, della sua libertà, in un modo più forte e più completo del modo sovietico, e anche di quello dei nazisti. Sì, è un buon lavoro salvare le vite, ma questa situazione ancora non è una scelta di vite contro danari, ma vite contro vite. Ma gli agenti del diavolo hanno causato che molta gente pensa che la ragione veramente sia salvare le vite. Quelli agenti sfruttano questa per cambiare tutta la vita, tutte le ditte, tutta della società, ed anche i diritti della Santa Chiesa e la libertà religiosa del popolo. La ragione vera, l’unica ragione per gli azioni della maggior parte dei governi del mondo è cambiare radicalmente il vero cuore del popolo e di società. Vogliono che la società abbandone Cristo ed abbandone le tradizioni antiche e sacre e prenda un nuovo modo socio-fascisto. 

     In questi giorni il popolo è sotto la mano degli stati modernisti. I governi hanno forzato a chiudere le ditte, ma per qual delitto? Per niente. I governi hanno sceltato vincitori e perdenti in un modo arbitrario. Anche i governi hanno forzato una grande sezione della gente agli arresti domiciliari, ma anche per qual delitto? Per nessun delitto. È un’opera compita ancora in un modo più forte e più completo del modo sovietico, e anche di quello dei nazisti. Governi, vi accuso del delitto diabolico. Non vi importa la gente sotto la vostra protezione. 

     La protezione del popolo è un sacro incarico sotto Dio, ma i governi sono falliti. Loro modernisti contro Dio, sotto la bandiera del salvtataggio di qualche vite umane di questo nuovo virus, in verità pochi in confronto della populazione del mondo, hanno messo in pericolo al meno di centi di milioni di persone in tutti i luoghi del mondo – pericolo di fame, pericolo di privazione, percicolo di problemmi di salute, pericolo di bancarotta, di mancanza della capacità di provvedere alle loro famiglie. Quante di questi dovrebbero morire per salvare quelli? Non possono i governi dire che queste vite valono più di quelle vite, per i governi e gli ufficiali dei governi non sono Dio. Ma adesso giocano a Dio. In verità questi stati moderni vogliono essere Dio e vogliono che la gente genuflettersi umilmente al governo civile e solo al governo civile. Questa cosa è al cuore di questa battaglia, di questa guerra. Non possiamo lasciare che i governi sostituiscano Dio con loro stessi. 

     Il tempo è adesso. Dobbiamo vincere per la gloria di Dio. Adesso è il tempo nel cui i cristiani devono insorgere contro le forze moderne del diavolo. Non sono forze nuove, ma sono le stesse forze d’ogni tempo nella storia del mondo. Gli nostri antenati valorosi hanno combattuto contro le stesse forze. Adesso è tocca nostra. 

Friday, March 12, 2021

Reflections for the Third Week of Lent by His Holiness and Eminence

FIRENZE-NUOVA ROMA 12 March 2021 (NRom)


from the Gospel appointed for the mass for Wednesday the third week of Lent, we hear:

     “Hypocrites, well hath Isaias prophesied of you, saying: This people honoureth me with their lips: but their heart is far from me. And in vain do they worship me, teaching doctrines and commandments of men.”

     So much do we see this in the world around us today. Yet let us not think that it is a modern phenomenon, lest we turn to idolizing the past. What our Lord spoke was almost 2000 years ago, and very little has changed since then. Indeed, Christ has been with us for almost two millennia, yet the people, surrounded by His wisdom and saving grace, still have not opened their hearts. 

     We must guard against being hypocrites, honouring God with our lips, but turning away with our hearts and minds. We must guard against vain worship. And, we must guard against what is so prevalent today, the twisting and bending of the Catholic faith not to the doctrines and commandments of God, but the doctrines and commandments of men. This by itself is not enough. We must speak against such hypocrisy, counseling and admonishing as we are called to do according to the Spiritual Acts of Mercy. However, given the ongoing nature and magnitude of the problem, we must also not allow ourselves to become discouraged if we think we are making but a little progress or even no progress at all. The coming celebration of the Resurrection reminds us of our eventual corporate victory in the fullness of God’s time through the victory of Christ over the grave.

     May Almighty God continue to bless each of you as you walk along your Lenten journey.