Sunday, December 24, 2023

With Message of Love and Peace, H.A.H. Bishop Rutherford Leads solemn Matins and Lauds for the Vigil of Christmas

By M. Derosiers

ROME-RUTHENIA 24 December 2023 (NRom)

Today saw a significant event in Orthodox and Catholic liturgical life as His Apostolic Highness Bishop Rutherford I led the Divine Offices of solemn Matins and Lauds for the Vigil of Christmas. In a heartfelt display of faith and unity and a message of hope and compassion, this ritual marked the final part of Advent before we enter into the joyful Nativity season. Bishop Rutherford emphasized the importance of embracing love as a guiding principle in our lives, especially during these challenging times.

As the candles flickered, casting a warm glow throughout the sacred space, Bishop Rutherford urged people around the world to extend kindness not only to their loved ones but also to those who may be marginalized or forgotten in society. He encouraged acts of generosity and reminded everyone that even small gestures can make a significant impact on someone's life.

Bishop Rutherford's leadership during this solemn occasion exemplifies his commitment to fostering unity and understanding among all people. His ability to convey complex messages in a clear and down-to-earth tone resonates with individuals from all walks of life. In a world often plagued by division and discord, Bishop Rutherford's constant and consistent message of love and peace is a much-needed reminder that together, we can create a better tomorrow.

The Divine Offices of Matins and Lauds are an integral part of the liturgy of the United Roman-Ruthenian Church. Matins, also sometimes called Morning Prayer, was traditionally recited before daybreak, but now may be any time in the morning. It consists of psalms, hymns, readings from scripture, and prayers. Lauds, on the other hand, traditionally celebrated at dawn, now typically follows immediately after Matins and consists of psalms, hymns, and thanksgiving.

This solemn occasion holds great significance in preparing our hearts and minds for the upcoming celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ. Through the Divine Offices, we are reminded of the anticipation and hope that filled the hearts of Mary and Joseph on the eve of our Savior's arrival.

One unique aspect of this occasion in the United Roman-Ruthenian Church is that it grants us the rare opportunity to witness His Apostolic Highness in the majestic cappa magna. The cappa magna is a voluminous and ornate cloak worn by bishops during certain special occasions and liturgical celebrations. Its grandeur symbolizes their role as shepherds guiding their flock through faith. By the ceremonial rules and tradition, it is only worn by the Bishop of Rome-Ruthenia for the solemn offices of Christmas and Ash Wednesday, and on penitential occasions. 

Bishop Rutherford leads Matins and
Lauds for the Vigil of Christmas.

The Vigil of Christmas is a time for reflection, spiritual preparation, and joyful anticipation. It serves as a reminder to embrace the true meaning of Christmas – the birth of Jesus Christ, who came into this world to bring hope, peace, and salvation to all humanity. As His Apostolic Highness Bishop Rutherford I led the prayers of the Divine Offices, his words resonated with a clear and direct tone. The prayers, psalms, hymns, and readings of the offices allowed for a deeper connection with the message of Christmas on a personal level, reminding us of the humility and love that lie at the heart of this holy season. These offices serve as a beacon of hope for those seeking solace in their faith. It is through events like these that we are reminded of the power of love and the potential for positive change it holds. May this sacred moment inspire us to embrace the spirit of Christmas in our daily lives and share its joy and love with those around us.

Friday, December 22, 2023

Tired of the ever-growing apostasy of the Vatican Church around the world?

By M. Derosiers

ROME-RUTHENIA 22 December 2023 (NRom)

Are you feeling disillusioned with the direction that the Vatican church is taking? Do you find yourself increasingly frustrated by its modern hostility towards the very traditions and doctrine of Christianity? If so, it may be time to consider embracing authentic Orthodoxy and Old Catholicism! Join us in the United Roman-Ruthenian Church, where we strive to preserve the traditions and doctrine of our faith, as the church with ancient diversity united in harmony. 

In today's fast-paced world, many religious institutions have succumbed to secular influences, diluting their core beliefs and values. However, at United Roman-Ruthenian Church, we stand firm in our commitment to staying true to our faith while acknowledging and engaging with the modern world.

We understand that not everyone may have a parish, mission, or clergyman conveniently located near them. However, being part of an authentic branch of the original Church founded by Christ is far more valuable than being part of a large organization that has deviated from its core principles.

Embrace Authentic Orthodoxy

Authenticity is at the heart of what we offer. Our church follows in the footsteps of early Christianity and holds steadfastly to orthodox teachings and practices. We believe in preserving our rich heritage while also adapting to contemporary challenges without compromising our faith.

Preserving Traditions and Doctrine

At United Roman-Ruthenian Church, we recognize the importance of tradition and doctrine. We understand that they provide a solid foundation for our faith and guide us in living a purposeful life. We strive to preserve these essential elements and pass them on to future generations.

Avoiding Modern Apostasy

The Vatican church's departure from its traditional teachings has left many faithful Christians feeling disillusioned and disconnected. In contrast, the United Roman-Ruthenian Church remains steadfast in its commitment to upholding orthodox Christianity. By joining us, you can avoid the pitfalls of modern apostasy and find solace in a community that cherishes the essence of what it means to be Christian.

Join Us Today

If you are seeking an authentically Orthodox and Old Catholic alternative to the ever-growing apostasy within the Vatican church, we invite you to consider joining the United Roman-Ruthenian Church. Even if there isn't a local parish or clergyman near you, our online community is here to support and guide you on your spiritual journey.

Don't let disillusionment hold you back from embracing a faith that resonates with your values.

Choose authenticity, tradition, and doctrine – choose United Roman-Ruthenian Church.

Find out more here:

Or contact us at: sp [at]

Friday, December 8, 2023

Why Every Man Should Wear a Suit and Tie: The Power of Classic Style

By Jean DuBois

ROME-RUTHENIA 7 December 2023 (NRom)

When it comes to men's fashion, there is something timeless and powerful about a well-tailored suit paired with a classic tie. In recent years, the trend towards more casual attire has grown, with many men opting for more relaxed dress codes in both their professional and personal lives. However, there are several compelling reasons why men should consider keeping their suits and ties as the main part of their wardrobe, even when they are not required to wear them.
A suit and tie is always a correct and good choice! 

1. Confidence Boost

There is no denying the impact that dressing well can have on a person's confidence. Wearing a suit and tie instantly elevates your style and gives you an air of professionalism, self-respect, and sophistication. Whether you're attending a social event or simply going out for dinner, donning a suit can make you feel more self-assured, which can positively affect how others perceive you.

2. Making a Statement

In a world where casual attire has become the norm, wearing a suit and tie can set you apart from the crowd. It shows that you take pride in your appearance and are willing to put in the effort to dress well. Standing out as someone who not only appreciates classic style and elegance, but respects the people around them can make a lasting impression on others.

3. Enhancing Professionalism

While many workplaces now embrace more casual dress codes, there are still occasions where professionalism is expected or required. By having suits and ties readily available in your wardrobe, you'll always be prepared for important meetings, job interviews, or presentations. Dressing appropriately for these situations demonstrates your commitment to professionalism and respect for the occasion. But don't leave the suit only for professional settings!

4. Dressing for Special Events

Life is full of special occasions – weddings, galas, parties – where dressing up is not only expected but also adds to the overall experience. Wearing a suit and tie to these events shows respect for the host and the occasion itself. It allows you to fully immerse yourself in the atmosphere while looking sharp and stylish. But don't just use a suit for special occasions! Use a suit or sport coat ensemble as your regular go-to attire!

5. Personal Style Expression

Wearing a suit and tie doesn't mean conforming to a rigid dress code; it can also be an opportunity to showcase your personal style. With countless options in colors, patterns, and accessories, you can create a unique look that reflects your individuality. Experimenting with different combinations allows you to explore your fashion sense while maintaining the elegance and sophistication associated with suits and ties.

Don't Wear a Suit with Low-Rise Trousers and Tight Legs

When it comes to choosing the right suit, it's important to consider both style and fit. While fashion trends may come and go, there are certain choices that are best avoided if you want to maintain a polished and dignified look. One such choice is wearing a suit that has low-rise pants with tight legs, and looks like a lot like a woman's pant-suit. Here's why you should steer clear of this combination.

A suit that has low-rise pants with tight legs can be incredibly unflattering for men (and often women, too). The low-rise design sits below the natural waistline, which can make your torso appear shorter and your legs longer. This disproportionate look can throw off your overall silhouette and make you seem out of proportion.

Additionally, tight legs can restrict movement and make you feel uncomfortable throughout the day. A suit that fits too snugly can limit your range of motion and hinder your ability to perform tasks efficiently. It's essential to choose a suit with a proper fit that allows you to move comfortably while looking sharp.

While experimenting with fashion can be exciting, certain combinations, like one with low-rise pants with tight legs, may not convey the image you desire. Opt for a suit with a flattering fit that enhances your appearance while allowing you to move comfortably. By choosing the right suit, you'll be ready for any setting.

Suits are Uncomfortable? It couldn't be further from the truth!

When it comes to "dressing for comfort" (common buzzword today), many people immediately dismiss the idea of wearing a suit. However, this common misconception couldn't be further from the truth. With the right quality, fabrics, and fit, a suit can actually be quite comfortable.

The key to experiencing comfort in a suit lies in investing in good quality materials. Opt for suits made from natural fibers such as wool or cotton, as they are breathable and allow air circulation, keeping you cool even on warm days. Synthetic fabrics like polyester should usually be avoided as they tend to trap heat and can make you feel sweaty and uncomfortable. (But there are some good synthetics out there for certain cases. Also, linings and even high-quality wool suits are often made of a synthetic material.)

In addition to choosing the right fabrics, it is crucial to pay attention to the fit of your suit. Ill-fitting suits can restrict movement and cause discomfort. A properly tailored suit will enhance your body shape while allowing ease of movement. 

Another factor: The tie, often seen as a symbol of formality and discomfort, can actually provide a finishing touch if chosen wisely. Opt for silk ties that have a smooth texture and are not overly tight when knotted. Similarly, choose dress shoes that offer support and cushioning for your feet.

Suits are Pretentious and Elitest? Another myth! 

It's yet another common misconception that wearing a suit is pretentious, arrogant, or elitist. Many people associate suits with wealth, power, and exclusivity. However, wearing a suit is not about showing off or asserting social status; it's about self-respect, professionalism, respect for others -- and even self-expression.

Contrary to popular belief, suits are not limited to the wealthy elite. With the availability of affordable options and diverse styles, anyone can find a suit that fits their budget and personal taste. It's all about finding the right fit, fabric, and style that suits your body type and personality.

Wearing a suit can also boost your confidence and mindset. Research has shown that dressing formally can enhance cognitive abilities and improve performance in various tasks. When you dress well, you feel more empowered and ready to take on challenges.

Moreover, suits provide an opportunity for self-expression. They come in various colors, patterns, and designs that allow individuals to showcase their unique style while still adhering to classic style. From classic grey to bold pinstripes, there's a suit for everyone's sensibilities. Really, it's not about rigid formality or dress code, it's about classic style.

Leave the T-Shirts for the Gym or Maybe the Beach:
Why Ultra-Casual is Never a Good Choice for Being in Public

In a world where fashion trends are constantly evolving, it's important to know when to draw the line between casual and too casual. While we all enjoy comfort, there is a time and place for everything, including our wardrobe choices. This is especially true when it comes to wearing ultra-casual t-shirts in public.

While it may be tempting to throw on your favorite worn-out t-shirt for a quick trip to the grocery store or running errands, it's essential to consider how you present yourself to others. Your appearance often creates an impression before you even open your mouth.

By opting for ultra-casual attire in public settings, you risk sending the message that you don't care about your appearance or lack respect for yourself or others. Whether we like it or not, people often judge us based on our clothing choices. By choosing an outfit that is too casual, you may unintentionally undermine your own credibility and respectability.

Instead of reaching for that faded band t-shirt or oversized athletic top, consider opting for something slightly more put-together. A simple button-down shirt paired with nice pants can instantly elevate your look without sacrificing comfort.

While ultra-casual attire may be suitable for certain occasions such as the gym or beach, it's never a good choice for being in public. By dressing appropriately and putting a little more thought into your outfit, you can ensure that you are presenting yourself in the best possible light and projecting an image of respect, dignity, and confidence.

The Bottom Line

Suits and ties have stood the test of time as symbols of refined style and sophistication. While casual attire has its place in today's society, there are numerous benefits to keeping this classic combination as the principal part of your wardrobe. From boosting confidence to making a statement, enhancing dignity and professionalism to expressing personal style, suits and ties offer much more than just appropriate workplace or "special occasion" attire.

Tuesday, December 5, 2023

A Profile of Humble Service: Coronation Portrait Unveiled

M. Derosiers

ROME-RUTHENIA 5 December 2023 (NRom)

Embodying the essence of humble servant leadership and dedication to helping others, the coronation portrait of H.H. Bishop Rutherford I Ralphovich of Rome-Ruthenia was recently unveiled. It commemorates his service as the Bishop of Rome-Ruthenia and Supreme Pontiff of the United Roman-Ruthenian Church, 266th in succession from St. Peter the Apostle as Prince of the Romans, 74th Grand Duke of Ruthenia, 142nd in Gallican-Antioch succession from St. Peter, 169th in Greco-Russian succession from St. Andrew the First-Called, 145th in Armenian succession from Saints Thaddeus and Bartholomew, and 116th in Syrian-Antioch succession from St. Thomas the Apostle. The portrait incorporates symbols that represent the importance of humble and dedicated leadership in the ancient Apostolic tradition, as well as the duty to uphold the values of the Church and put faith into action.
Rutherford I at the unveiling
of the coronation portrait
As the Bishop of Rome-Ruthenia, Rutherford I has a significant role in guiding individuals in their spiritual growth. He offers prayers, guidance, and sacraments to help strengthen their faith and provide support during joyous occasions and difficult times alike. With a commitment to serving others with humility and compassion, he offers pastoral care and counsel to those in need.

The Bishop also has a responsibility to uphold the traditions of the faith. The symbols in the portrait represent his obligation to maintain ancient customs and practices, which provide a sense of continuity and stability for the faithful. This also includes the temporal heritage and tradition of the Pontifical Imperial State, Roman Empire, and Ruthenian Kingdom.

As an international ethno-religious leader, Bishop Rutherford promotes unity among the faithful, fostering collaboration and inclusivity within the greater Christian community. This creates an environment where individuals can grow spiritually and support one another even in a divisive and highly polarized world.

The Symbolism in the Coronation Portrait

The coronation portrait of the Bishop of Rome-Ruthenia showcases various symbols that represent his office. He is depicted wearing the mantum, a long red and gold robe that signifies the Apostolic authority and dignity of his office. The inclusion of flabella, ostrich feather fans that date back to ancient Egypt, is a mark of both spiritual and temporal honor and service. The background displays the pontifical coat of arms (which also is embroidered at the bottom of each side of the mantum), representing not only personal identity, lineage, and tradition, but that of all the people of the United Roman-Ruthenian Church. The gold pastoral staff, topped with a crucifix, emphasizes the Bishop's role as a shepherd. Lastly, the iconic tiara is a variation of a bishop's mitre and symbolizes spiritual and temporal authority. Some of these same symbols of office are employed by different patriarchs worldwide.

Divine Stitching: About the Vestment Tailor

All the vestments depicted in the coronation portrait, including the tiara, and also those worn in the unveiling photo, were specially tailored by Sacred Heart Vestments. Renowned for their exceptional craftsmanship and attention to detail, Sacred Heart Vestments is a leading ecclesial tailor that has long served clergy around the world. Their commitment to combining tradition with modern techniques, honoring age-old traditions in liturgical clothing while creating garments that are comfortable, practical, and durable is evident in every stitch and fold of their creations. 

A Historical Record and Inspiration

The coronation portrait not only commemorates this important event in the Church's history, but also serves as a reminder of the duty of the Bishop of Rome-Ruthenia in service to God and to the community. Through his guidance and wisdom, he continues to inspire countless individuals, both in and out of the United Roman-Ruthenian Church.

Sunday, December 3, 2023

A Saint of Faith and Action - Liturgical Year in Memory of St. Edwin Caudill

By M. Derosiers

ROME-RUTHENIA 3 December 2023 (NRom)

The beginning of Advent marks the start of a new liturgical year. This period is dedicated to reflecting on and preparing for the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ. In addition, for this particular year in the United Roman-Ruthenian Church, it is also dedicated to honoring Saint Edwin Caudill, Apostolic Founder and Confessor.
The principal icon of Saint Edwin Caudill
in the Chapel of St. George
Advent is a key season observed in the Christian Church as a time of expectant waiting and preparation. In the United Roman-Ruthenian Church, it begins on the fourth Sunday before Christmas Day, which falls around late November or early December. It serves as a time for self-reflection and renewal, allowing individuals to focus on their relationship with God and prepare their hearts to receive Christ into their lives. Then, perhaps unique to the United Roman-Ruthenian Church, Christmas is celebrated twice. The first instance is "the Latin Christmas," on 25 December, and the second is on 7 January and is "the Eastern Christmas."
Art commissioned by the United Roman-Ruthenian
Church of the consecration of Saint Edwin in
Orthodox and Old Catholic Apostolic succession
Saint Edwin Caudill was and is an influential figure in the Church's history as Apostolic Founder and Confessor. He devoted his life to spreading the teachings of Jesus Christ and establishing strong foundations for our faith community. His unwavering commitment to sharing God's love touched countless lives and continues to inspire us today.
Saint Edwin was Anglican Bishop of the Southwest. His diocese eventually entered Orthodoxy and Old Catholicism and in time became the Diocese of Rome-Ruthenia, the Apostolic See of the United Roman-Ruthenian Church today. (Learn more here.)

Saint Edwin dedicated himself to studying theology and deepening his understanding of the scriptures and traditions of the Church. His passion for sharing God's message drew people from all walks of life to embrace the faith. Saint Edwin Caudill's legacy lives on through the countless believers who have been touched by his teachings. His emphasis on love, compassion, and forgiveness continues to shape our understanding of what it means to live a Christ-centered life.
H.H. Bishop Rutherford at
Saint Edwin's former Cathedral
During this Year of Saint Edwin Caudill, we are encouraged to delve deeper into his lasting legacy. By preserving his memory, we can gain insights into how to navigate the challenges of our time, drawing inspiration from his unwavering faith.

By dedicating this liturgical year to Saint Edwin Caudill, we honor not only his contributions but also acknowledge the importance of embracing our faith heritage as we prepare for the coming of Christ during Advent. The Advent season allows believers to reflect on their relationship with God and prepare their hearts for the celebration of the birth of Christ. Let us embrace this time of anticipation and spiritual growth, drawing inspiration from Saint Edwin Caudill's legacy as we prepare to renew our faith once again.

Knights of Malta hold Investiture in Malta

By Jean DuBois

VALETTA 3 December 2023 (NRom)

In late November 2023, history was made as the Sovereign Order of Saint John (Knights of Malta of the Russian succession) gathered in Valetta, the capital city of Malta, for a momentous meeting. The highlight of this gathering was an investiture ceremony held at the magnificent Anglican Cathedral.

The solemn liturgy was led by the local bishop. Presiding over the investiture were two distinguished officials of the Order: His Most Eminent Highness Don Basilio Calì, Prince of Rhodes and Grand Master of the Order of St. John; and His Royal Highness Sire Rubén Gavaldá, head of the Merovingian French dynasty and Royal protector of the Knights. Sire Rubén also holds the honors of Knight of the Aquiline Order of Christ and Bailiff of the Pontifical Order of the Eagle from the Pontifical Imperial State. He is also the temporal hid and protector of the Gallican Rite of the Catholic Church, part of the United Roman-Ruthenian Church.
Sire Rubén addresses the Knights and Dames
present at the investiture ceremony and liturgy
The rich history of the Knights of Malta traces back to the time of the Crusades. Originally established as a religious order with a mission to provide care for pilgrims traveling to Jerusalem, they soon gained recognition for their bravery on the battlefield. Over time, their responsibilities expanded to include providing healthcare and humanitarian aid.
The Royal Protector and Grand Master during the investiture ceremony
Pavel I, Emperor of Russia, played a pivotal role in shaping the destiny of this noble order when he succeeded to the position of Grand Master. Under his leadership, he instilled an enhanced sense of duty and commitment that has been carried forward through generations. 
A meeting during the gathering in Malta
As history unfolded, after the Russian Revolution, the grand mastership passed from Nikolai II to the royal family of Yugoslavia. Thus it was Yugoslavia that became the custodian of the Russian succession. However, with the passing of King Peter II, a new chapter began. Today, the principal successor to this grand legacy is the Sovereign Order of St. John, led by the Prince of Rhodes in his capacity as Grand Master. The Prince also holds the honor of Knight of Saints George and Olga from the Pontifical Imperial State.
Valletta, Capital of Malta
The investiture ceremony held in Valetta was a testament to the enduring traditions and values upheld by the Knights of Malta. It symbolized their unwavering commitment to chivalry, honor, and service to humanity.
A scene from the investiture ceremony in Malta
As attendees witnessed this historic event unfold within the sacred walls of the Anglican Cathedral, they were reminded of the profound impact these noble knights have had throughout history. The investiture ceremony served as a powerful reminder that their mission continues to be guided by principles rooted in compassion and selflessness.

The gathering in Valetta not only celebrated the past achievements and contributions of this esteemed order but also marked a new era filled with hope and dedication. With leaders such as Don Basilio Calì and Sire Rubén Gavaldá at its helm, the Knights of Malta are poised to make an even greater difference in our modern world. As we reflect on this momentous occasion, let us honor and appreciate the timeless legacy of the Knights of Malta - an embodiment of virtue and nobility that has endured for centuries.

Saturday, November 25, 2023

The Pontifical Imperial State, United Roman-Ruthenian Church Releases 2023 New Coin of Bishop of Rome-Ruthenia

 By J. DuBois

ROME-RUTHENIA 26 November 2023 (NRom)

The Pontifical Imperial State, United Roman-Ruthenian Church has recently announced the release of the 2023 coin featuring His Apostolic Highness Prince-Bishop Rutherford I Ralphovich of Rome-Ruthenia. This historic coin not only serves as a religious item but also carries on the tradition of church-state coins as a symbol of the sovereign state.

The coin itself is a beautiful representation of the image of the Bishop of Rome-Ruthenia and features the flag of Rome-Ruthenia on the reverse. Text is in both international English and Russian/Cyrillic. 

This coin holds historical significance as it continues the long-standing tradition of church-state coins. Throughout history, these coins have represented both religious and political power. While considered a historic souvenir today, possessing one of these coins allows individuals to connect with their faith on a deeper level. It serves as a physical manifestation of their beliefs and provides an opportunity for reflection and spiritual growth.

Thursday, November 16, 2023

Bishop Rutherford Receives Ghana Knighthood

Queen Adziwonor III and
Bishop Rutherford I
By M. Derosiers

ROME-RUTHENIAN 16 November 2023 (NRom)

His Apostolic Highness Prince-Bishop Rutherford I of Rome-Ruthenia was honored with the rank of Knight Grand Cross of the Royal Order of Merit of Gbi-Hohoe-Ahado by Her Majesty Queen Adziwonor III of Gbi-Hohoe-Ahado (Ghana) for decades of distinguished global humanitarian service. As a token of gratitude and in recognition and appreciation of Queen Adziwonor III's own dedication to humanitarian work, the Prince-Bishop presented her with the rank of Dame Grand Cross of the Pontifical Order of the Eagle. This honor is a testament to her significant contributions in promoting peace and well-being among her people in Ghana.
Queen Adziwonor III provides
humanitarian assistance to her
people in Ghana
Both Bishop Rutherford and Queen Adziwonor are passionate advocates for global humanitarian action, including clean water, education, good health, and human rights. Their shared commitment to improving the lives of people around the world has brought them together in a mutual pursuit of positive change.
Insignia of the Royal Order of Merit
of Gbi-Hohoe-Ahado
The Pontifical Imperial State, United Roman-Ruthenian Church, headed by Bishop Rutherford, recently signed a diplomatic accord with Queen Adziwonor and the Royal House of Gbi-Hohoe-Ahado (click here to read more). Queen Adziwonor and Bishop Rutherford are leaders dedicated to impactful change, aiming to create a better world for all individuals regardless of their backgrounds or circumstances. This partnership signifies a commitment to collaboration in Christian charity and cooperation in addressing common interests and challenges.

Diplomatic Accord with the Royal House of Gbi-Hohoe-Ahado

Queen Adziwonor III at 
a clean water project she
completed in Ghana in 2022.  
By M. Desrosiers

ROME-RUTHENIA 16 November 2023 (NRom)

The Pontifical Imperial State, United Roman-Ruthenian Church, and the Royal House of Gbi-Hohoe-Ahado in Ghana have recently signed a diplomatic accord. This agreement highlights the shared focus on education, clean water, and women's equality within both governments. The accorded was signed on behalf of His Apostolic Highness Prince-Bishop Rutherford I of Rome-Ruthenia and Her Majesty Queen Adziwonor III by H.Em.&I.R.H. Grand Duke Douglas, Chancellor of the Pontifical Court, and H.E. Tony Williams, Chancellor of the Royal House. 

Queen Adziwonor III has been dedicated to improving the lives of her people through many ongoing initiatives. As a recognition of her tireless humanitarian efforts to bring fresh water, education, and good health to her people, Her Majesty the Queen was awarded the rank of Dame Grand Cross of the Pontifical Order of the Eagle by His Apostolic Highness. 
H.H. Bishop Rutherford I
Hohoe, which serves as the capital of the Gbi State in Ghana, is composed of five Clans: Ahado, Tsevi, Torkorni, Trevi, and Gborxome. Among them, Ahado is the largest clan and holds historical significance as it was the first settlement in Hohoe.
Queen Adziwonor III (center in red)
\Legend has it that during a war in Ahado's history, a python coiled itself at the entrance to their "Black Stool," which symbolizes ancestral protection. The people interpreted this as a sign that their ancestors or gods were safeguarding their heritage. After praying with water as their only available resource, the snake eventually abandoned its post. From then on, they became known as "Hodoawo," meaning those who shut doors or entrances.

Another version explains that during King Agorkorli's reign in Notsie (the Ancestral Home of Ewes), Ahado was entrusted with protecting the entrance to the walled kingdom. Thus, they were responsible for opening and shutting the door, hence the name "H-doawo."

The Teletsu's families, including Bansah, Hehetror, Kpeto, and Dzandzo, are an integral part of Ahado. The Queen Mother of Ahado belongs to the Teletsu family. After six years of searching, Mama Adziwonor III was found in Germany and officially enstooled as queen on 25 October 2018. Her commitment to her people's welfare aligns with the Pontifical Imperial State's mission, making this diplomatic accord a significant step towards mutual growth and development. It is also a recognition of the Church's belief in the reemergence of Africa and its growing global prominence.

Friday, November 10, 2023

Beyond Borders: The Sovereign Status of the Pontifical Imperial State

By M. Derosiers

ROME-RUTHENIA 02 November 2023 (NRom)

Caesar Augustus
In the vast fabric of history, the states associated with the Church hold immense importance that transcends time. The Pontifical Imperial State of Rome-Ruthenia stands as the secular representation of the United Roman-Ruthenian Church, embodying both the Pontifical Roman State and the Pontifical Kingdom of Ruthenia and All Rus'. The Pontifical Imperial State also includes several other territories associated with the Holy Roman Empire. Together, these historical entities have passed on their legacy through centuries.

Roman the Great, Tsar
and Autocrat of all Rus'
To foster a sense of unity encompassing all territories historically linked to the heritage of the United Roman-Ruthenian Church, it was decided to adopt the name "Pontifical Imperial State of Rome-Ruthenia." This unification under one banner strengthens the bond among diverse backgrounds within the church and opens a new chapter in their shared history. In addition, several other historic sovereign houses have been incorporated. Today, this state, under the leadership of His Apostolic Highness the Prince-Bishop of Rome-Ruthenia, serves as an ethno-religious cultural nation without political territory, representing people across various modern countries. 

And, while they may seem like glamorous relics of a bygone era, the United Roman-Ruthenian Church and Pontifical Imperial State still uphold titles of nobility. While some might dismiss these titles as outdated or pretentious in today's world, they actually play an important role in preserving tradition and ensuring continuity within the church, connecting the present church with its past and future. Critics argue that such titles are unnecessary in modern times, where meritocracy is often valued over inherited privilege. However, it is important to remember that these titles do not solely represent wealth or social standing. They symbolize dedication to service, devotion to faith, and commitment to upholding the principles upon which the Church was founded.

The Continued Claim over the Pontifical Imperial State
Emperor of the
Romans and
founder of the
Holy Roman

Despite no longer having control over any physical territory, it might be perplexing why the United Roman-Ruthenian Church maintains its claim over the Pontifical Imperial State. However, several factors contribute to this decision, including historical significance, autonomy from secular authorities, diplomatic recognition, and protection of church assets.

The Church's claim is deeply rooted in its historical connection and importance to the areas once encompassed by the Pontifical Imperial State, even though those territories now belong to other modern countries. By asserting its claim, the Church reaffirms its autonomy and independence from secular powers. This symbolic declaration solidifies the Church's position as a sovereign entity and serves as a reminder of its spiritual authority. It allows the Church to engage in diplomatic relations with other entities, participate in international affairs, and function as an independent state despite lacking territorial control. Additionally, this claim acts as a safeguard against potential challenges or encroachments on historical assets.

The Way to the Future

The Pontifical Imperial State serves as a reminder that history is not just an abstract concept, but a living force that shapes our present reality. By understanding our past, we gain insight into our collective identity and heritage. Today, while the Pontifical Imperial State may not hold political territory like its component states once did, its legacy endures through its contributions to history, art, philosophy, and spirituality, not to mention the profound influence it has had on religious practices.

The Pontifical Imperial State of Rome-Ruthenia encapsulates centuries of cultural exchange and religious significance. Its continuation, along with upholding the office of Bishop, Papa-Catholicos, and Imperator of Rome-Ruthenia, is a way of honoring the history of the United Roman-Ruthenian Church while looking ever forward. Perhaps viewed as archaic to some, remember that the Pontifical Imperial State is more than just words on paper. It represents an enduring legacy that connects us to our past and guides us towards our future. 

Friday, November 3, 2023

Why the United Roman-Ruthenian Church

By Alberto Hernandez, Staff Editor

ROME-RUTHENIA 03 November 2023 (NRom)

The United Roman-Ruthenian Church is a truly unique and diverse church of ancient heritage that brings together two distinct Christian traditions - Orthodoxy and Catholicism. This union not only fosters a sense of Christian brotherhood among its followers but also creates an environment where ancient traditions and cultures coexist harmoniously.

The origins of the United Roman-Ruthenian Church can be traced back to the early days of Christianity, spanning from Rome and Byzantium to Syria, India, and Eastern Europe. Today, it stands as a remarkably unique branch of Christianity that incorporates both Eastern and Latin influences, embracing elements from both Orthodox and Catholic practices.

In the liturgy, the United Roman-Ruthenian Church integrates elements from Latin, Byzantine, and Syrian spirituality into its worship services, allowing followers to engage with their faith in a way that holds personal meaning to them. By combining elements from both traditions, this church offers a vibrant worship experience that resonates with individuals from diverse backgrounds.

What truly sets the United Roman-Ruthenian Church apart is its acceptance of cultural diversity within its congregations. It actively fosters a sense of belonging among its followers while recognizing their distinct cultural backgrounds. By bringing together different Christian traditions, this church promotes dialogue and understanding between various branches of Christianity. It serves as an example of how different traditions can unite in pursuit of a common goal - traditional worship and unwavering faith in the Holy Gospels.

Furthermore, the United Roman-Ruthenian Church goes beyond its services by actively promoting interfaith dialogue. This outreach serves to foster understanding and respect among different religions. In doing so, it has become a symbol of hope for those seeking peace and harmony in their communities.

The church also plays a vital role in preserving cultural heritage. Its designs, traditions, and customs beautifully blend Western European Gothic and Baroque influences with intricate Byzantine and Russian designs, creating awe-inspiring experiences. The traditional art within the church tells stories passed down through generations, connecting present-day worshippers with their ancestors' rich cultural tapestry.

In an era of division, the United Roman-Ruthenian Church stands as a testament to unity within diversity. Through its incorporation of Latin, Byzantine, Eastern European, and Syrian traditions, it provides a space where followers can engage with their faith in a meaningful way. This union not only preserves the rich cultural heritage of its congregations but also promotes dialogue and understanding among different Christian traditions. With its rich history and unwavering commitment to faith, this church serves as a beacon of hope that inspires countless individuals across generations.

For those seeking solace during hardships or guidance on their spiritual journey, the United Roman-Ruthenian Church offers steadfast support. Its clergy members are known for their compassion, wisdom, and dedication to helping others navigate life's challenges. The United Roman-Ruthenian Church's ability to bridge religious divides, preserve cultural heritage, and provide spiritual guidance makes it a cherished institution.

Thursday, November 2, 2023

Columbian Prince Named to Rare Honor of Aquiline Knight of Christ

Coat of arms of the Prince of Chíquiza
with augmentations of the Aquiline Order
 of Christ, the Pontifical Order of the Eagle,
and the Order of Sts. George and Olga

ROME-RUTHENIA 02 November 2023 (NRom)

Yesterday H.R.S.H. Prince Floyd of Chíquiza was named by H.H. the Bishop of Rome-Ruthenia as a Knight of the Aquiline Order of Christ. Chíquiza is a native area in the Boyacá province of Columbia. The Prince, who resides in the USA, also serves as Majordomo in the Pontifical Court. Currently he is one of only two Knights of Christ outside the immediate Pontifical Household. According to the statutes, Knights of Christ also receive the hereditary honor of Bailiff of the Pontifical Order of the Eagle. Both are religious and dynastic orders of the United Roman-Ruthenian Church.

The Aquiline Order of Christ is a prestigious and venerable institution that traces its roots back to the 12th century. It shares history with the Portuguese Order of Christ still given by the Portuguese government and the dormant Vatican Order of Christ. The order was originally established as a military order during the Crusades and was known as the Knights Templar. However, over time, its focus shifted to promoting religious devotion and charitable works. The Aquiline Order takes its distinct name from the partial merger of the Roman-Ruthenian Order of Christ with the Order of the Eagle. 

From the Crusades to the present, the Order of Christ holds deep historical significance. Its Portuguese branch, for example, played a vital role in the exploration and colonization efforts of the Portuguese during the Age of Discovery. Many renowned explorers, such as Vasco da Gama and Ferdinand Magellan, were members of the Portuguese branch of this illustrious order.

Building on its rich history, the United Roman-Ruthenian Church's Aquiline Order of Christ continues to be revered today for its commitment to upholding Christian values and principles. It serves as a symbol of dedication to faith and acts as a catalyst for positive change in society.

The Order is given to members of the immediate Pontifical Household and, rarely, to others of princely rank chosen based on their outstanding contributions to the Church and to their communities, as well as their unwavering commitment to serving others. They have demonstrated exceptional leadership skills, moral integrity, and a genuine desire to make a difference in the lives of those around them.

One notable aspect that sets the Order apart is its emphasis on humility and modesty. Despite their distinguished rank, knights and dames of the Order are encouraged to remain focused on service. 

Today the Aquiline Order of Christ stands as a testament to Christian tradition, faith, hope, and charity, embodying timeless values in the modern era. Its long legacy serves as an inspiration for individuals seeking guidance in their pursuit of spiritual growth and meaningful contributions towards creating a better world for all.

Why We Should Remember All Souls Day

By Marie Derosiers, Staff Writer

ROME-RUTHENIA 02 November 2023 (NRom)

All Souls Day, also known as the Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed, is a day dedicated to remembering and praying for our loved ones who have passed away. While it may not be as widely celebrated as other holidays, such as Halloween or Christmas, it holds great significance in many cultures around the world.

One of the main reasons we should remember All Souls Day is to honor and show respect for our ancestors and those who came before us. It is a time to reflect on their lives and the impact they had on us. By remembering them and asking our clergy to remember them at the liturgy, we keep their memory alive and ensure that they are not forgotten.

Another important aspect of All Souls Day is the opportunity to pray for the souls of the departed. Many believe that on this day, our prayers can help ease their journey in the afterlife. It is a way of expressing our love and care for them even though they are no longer with us physically. This is the point for the special divine liturgy of All Souls' Day! 

Another benefit is that observing All Souls Day helps us come to terms with grief and loss. It provides a designated time for mourning and remembrance, allowing us to process our emotions in a healthy way. By acknowledging our feelings and honoring those who have passed away, we can find solace and healing.

Additionally, All Souls Day reminds us of the fragility of life and encourages us to cherish every moment with our loved ones. It serves as a reminder that death is inevitable and prompts us to make the most out of our relationships while we still can.

This day in the liturgical calendar holds great importance in remembering and honoring our deceased loved ones. By taking part in this tradition, we not only pay tribute to those who have passed away but also find comfort in knowing that they will forever hold a place in our hearts.

Wednesday, November 1, 2023

The Importance of All Saints' Day

By Alberto Hernandez, Staff Editor

ROME-RUTHENIA 01 November 2023 (NRom) 

The Importance of All Saints Day

All Saints Day, celebrated on November 1st each year, holds great significance in the Christian calendar. This holy day is dedicated to honoring all the saints, known and unknown, who have lived exemplary lives and are believed to be in heaven.

One of the main reasons why All Saints Day is important is because it reaffirms the belief in the communion of saints. It reminds us that we are not alone in our faith journey; we are part of a larger community that spans across time and space. On this day, Christians come together to remember and venerate these holy men and women who have gone before us.

All Saints Day also serves as an inspiration for believers to strive for holiness in their own lives. The saints provide us with role models, showing us what it means to live a life centered on God's love and grace. Their stories teach us valuable lessons about faith, perseverance, compassion, and selflessness.
Moreover, All Saints Day offers comfort and hope to those who have lost loved ones. It is a time to remember and honor those who have passed away, knowing that they are now among the heavenly host. This day provides solace by reminding us that death is not the end but rather a transition into eternal life with God.

In addition to its spiritual significance, All Saints Day has cultural importance as well. In many countries around the world, this day is marked by various customs and traditions. People visit cemeteries to clean and decorate gravesites with flowers and candles as a way of paying tribute to their departed relatives.

All Saints Day holds deep meaning for Christians worldwide. It strengthens our faith, encourages us to follow in the footsteps of the saints, brings comfort in times of loss, and fosters a sense of community among believers. This day serves as a reminder that holiness is attainable and that we are part of a larger, eternal family.

Monday, October 9, 2023

King David of Israel, King Solomon, and the United Roman-Ruthenian Church

King David of Israel
By Jean DuBois

ROME-RUTHENIA 9 October 2023 (NRom)

King David of Israel and his son Solomon, of the Tribe of Judah, are two of the most important historical figures in the Jewish tradition. They are ancestors of the Blessed Virgin Mary and St. Joseph, and therefore of the Incarnate Jesus Christ. They also are part of the historic ancestry of the United Roman-Ruthenian Church, among the few churches with such legacy.

The story of David and Goliath is a well-known Biblical account. Later, while King, David fathered Solomon with Bathsheba, the wife of a general, Uriah the Hitite. Solomon went on to build the famous temple on Temple Mount in Jerusalem and was known for his leadership abilities and great wisdom.
Jerusalem. The gold dome of the Dome of the Rock near
the centre marks the location of Temple Mount, where
once stood the temple built by Solomon. It was also the
location of the headquarters of the Knights Templar
during the Crusades. (Photo from the archives of the Church.)

As given in Scripture, the Blessed Virgin and St. Joseph were of the House of David, and it was into that genealogy that Christ was born in His earthly Incarnation. The Davidic line went around the world by the Jewish diaspora, in particular through the Exilarchs of Babylon (an exilarch was a ruler of a group or nation in exile). Centuries after the Resurrection of Christ and the Jewish dispersal, the Davidic line came to Europe and certain royal houses. This would eventually come into the lineage of the United Roman-Ruthenian Church and the Pontifical Imperial State of Rome-Ruthenia.

The Apostolic See of Sts. Stephen and Mark (United Roman-Ruthenian Church) is an Apostolic church of ancient origins and Orthodox and Catholic heritage. The Church, today an ethno-religious minority, is rooted in the ancient Apostolic Churches of Rome, Constantinople, Syria, Russia, Alexandria, and Armenia and represents a rare convergence of Apostolic faith and tradition that is both Orthodox and Catholic, both Western and Eastern. Though the Church stands on its own, it has received confirmation of its autocephalous and canonical status from various ecclesiastical and secular authorities over the years. The church's historical temporal wing, the Pontifical Imperial State of Rome-Ruthenia, is in hereditary descent from Rome and Russia and, like the United Roman-Ruthenian Church, in Apostolic Succession from Saints Peter, Andrew, Thomas, Thaddeus, and Bartholomew. It is ecclesial heir to the Roman Empire and Old Russian State. Through the Pontifical and Imperial Household and through the Merovingian Dynasty, protectors of the Gallican Rite of the Church, it descends from King David of Israel and King Solomon, ancestors of the Incarnate Jesus Christ. Today the United Roman-Ruthenian Church and Pontifical Imperial State constitute an ethno-religious nation without political territory and a state unto itself, representing people across multiple modern political countries. Its Davidic heritage remains a treasured part of its legacy.

Sunday, September 10, 2023

Renovated Private Chapel of the Papa-Catholicos Unveiled

By Jean DuBois

ROME-RUTHENIA 10 September 2023 (NRom)

The newly-renovated Chapel of St. George, the private chapel of H.H. the Bishop of Rome-Ruthenia, was formally unveiled today. A special liturgy was celebrated for the patron saints of the United Roman-Ruthenian Church and Pontifical Imperial State: Saints Peter, Paul, Andrew, Stephen, Mark, George, Vladimir, and Olga. 

H.H. the Bishop of Rome-Ruthenia
in the Chapel of St. George

The renovation was the result of a three-year project involving support and work of several members of the Pontifical Household and Court. The chapel includes both old and new icons -- some as old as the  19th and 17th century. It is specifically arranged for the celebration of the Gallo-Russo-Byzantine and Anglican-Byzantine liturgy. 

The Chapel of St. George

The icons include several of the Holy Mother of God of Kazan. The icons of the Holy Fathers of the Apostolic See, St. Leo X and St. Aftimios Ofiesh, are included behind the altar. Above the tabernacle is the icon of St. Edwin Caudill, Apostolic Founder and Confessor. To the right of the altar is a painting depicting the orthodox and catholic consecration of St. Edwin. The art had been specially commissioned by the Apostolic See of Sts. Stephen and Mark in celebration of the 30th anniversary of the consecration of St. Edwin. 

Artwork depicting the orthodox and
catholic consecration of St. Edwin

The relics housed in the chapel include a relics of the True Cross, the Holy Belt of Mary, St. Stephen the Apostle and Archdeacon, St. Peter the Apostle, the John the Baptist, St. Patrick, and more. 

The reliquary housing the relic of
St. Stephen the Apostle and Archdeacon
behind a reliquary containing relics of
St. Peter, the Blessed Virgin, St. Joseph,
and St. John the Baptist.
The tronetto (small throne)
of the Papa-Catholicos.

H.H. the Bishop of Rome-Ruthenia giving the
solemn blessing at the end of the Divine Liturgy
in the manner common to bishops of the
Gallo-Russo-Byzantine and Anglican Byzantine Rites.

Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Legal Officers Appointed to the Pontifical Walsingham Guard

By Jean DuBois

ROME-RUTHENIA 30 August 2023 (NRom)

Pontifical Walsingham Guard announces establishment of the new Legal Division. The following legal officers were appointed: 

H.E. Baron David H. Tsubouchi, Kt.B. (Col., WG), Chief Legal Officer

H.E. Countess Luz Eliyer Cárdenas (Lt., WG)

H.E. Chevalier Richard Lewis (Lt., WG)

H.E. Chevalier Édgar Fuentes (Lt., WG)