Monday, July 22, 2024

The Prince-Bishop of Rome-Ruthenia: A Living Embodiment of Centuries-Old Tradition

The Most Holy Patriarchal Basilica
of Santa Maria Antiqua in the 
Roman Forum, part of the ancient
legacy of the
United Roman-Ruthenian Church

By M. Desrosiers

ROME-RUTHENIA 22 July 2024 (NRom)

The United Roman-Ruthenian Church is a unique and fascinating religious institution, with a history and tradition that spans centuries. At the heart of the Church's governance is found a humble worker in the vineyard of our Lord, the Supreme Pontiff, known by the traditional title of Bishop of Rome-Ruthenia or Prince-Bishop of Rome-Ruthenia. The office is a semi-hereditary, semi-elective monarchy with succession governed by the laws of the Church.

This title, as defined in the Apostolic Constitution "For the Greater Glory of God," reflects the dual heritage of this church - Orthodox and Old Catholic, coupled with temporal legacy from Christendom. The Prince-Bishop is both the spiritual leader of the United Roman-Ruthenian Church and the religious-temporal leader of the Pontifical Imperial State of Rome-Ruthenia, today a nation without borders. Following the ancient tradition of married clergy, the consort of the Prince-Bishop holds the title of Apostolic Princess of Rome-Ruthenia. Both are known by the style of "Apostolic Highness," in reference to the Apostolic See of Sts. Stephen and Mark and to the Prince-Bishop as temporal successor of St. Peter the Apostle. 

Looking further, we find an extensive list of other specific titles that the Prince-Bishop may hold, reflecting the diverse heritage and responsibilities of the office. These titles are more than just symbolic - they carry real meaning and significance within the United Roman-Ruthenian Church, for the Prince-Bishop is the living embodiment of the history and cultural richness of this institution. It is an integral part of the church's identity and heritage. It connects the present-day Prince-Bishop to a long line of distinguished predecessors.

Ultimately, the general titles of the Pontifical Household are a reflection of the unique and complex history of the United Roman-Ruthenian Church. They are not mere formalities, but rather essential elements of a religious and cultural tradition that has endured for centuries. Whether one sees them as a source of pride or a relic of the past, they remain an integral part of the sacred identity of the United Roman-Ruthenian Church and the office of the Prince-Bishop.

Sunday, July 21, 2024

Patriarchal Letter of Rutherford I to the Christian Faithful in the United States of America

from His Apostolic Highness Rutherford I
Prince-Bishop of Rome-Ruthenia

On the Feast of the Holy Mother of God of Kazan
21 July 2024

Dearly beloved sons and daughters in Christ,

As the United States finds itself in the midst of a contentious and divisive election season, I am compelled to address you, the Christian faithful of the United States, with a message of unity, compassion, and steadfast commitment to the teachings of our Lord.

In these turbulent times, when the world is watching the American election with bated breath, it is of the utmost importance that we, no matter where we are in the world, as followers of Christ, define ourselves not by the political affiliations or ideologies that so often seek to divide us, but by the unifying principles of our faith. To say that all people of another political party are evil or against Christ is a grave sin, for it paints with the same broad brush those who may simply have differing perspectives on the complex issues facing society today. Such rhetoric is not only un-Christian, but it also serves to further entrench the divisiveness that has gripped the United States and the world.

Dearly beloved in Christ, we must resist the temptation to make politics our church and a political party our religion, for to do so is to betray the very essence of our faith. Our faith calls us to love our neighbour as ourselves, to seek unity in the midst of conflict, and to see the image of God in all people, regardless of their political leanings.

As Christians, our primary allegiance must be to the Kingdom of God, not to any earthly kingdom or political party. We are called to be a beacon of hope, a voice of reason, and a force for reconciliation in a world that so often seems intent on tearing itself apart. I urge you, dearly beloved in Christ, to resist the siren call of partisan politics and to instead focus your energy and passion on the timeless truths of the Gospel. Let us be known not for our political affiliations, but for our unwavering commitment to the values of love, justice, mercy, and peace that our Lord himself embodied and proclaimed.

In this pivotal moment, when the future of American governance hangs in the balance, let us rise above the fray of partisan bickering and demonstrate to the world the transformative power of a faith that transcends the boundaries of political ideology. Let us be the salt of the earth and the light of the world, shining the radiant love of Christ into the darkest corners of our society. Let us be the peacemakers, the bridge-builders, and the reconcilers, that the brotherhood of nations might be healed and restored.

Dearly beloved in Christ, I call upon you to join me in this sacred mission, to be the change we wish to see in the world, and to be the living embodiment of the Kingdom of God, even in the midst of the chaos and turmoil that surrounds us. May the grace and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you always.

Friday, July 12, 2024

Remembering His Serene Highness Prince Lloyd Douglas Worley, Duke of Maxalla: A Life of Scholarship, Service, and Spirituality

By J. DuBois

GREELEY 11 July 2024 (NRom)

It is with a heavy heart that we mourn the passing of His Serene Highness Prince Lloyd Douglas Worley, Duke of Maxalla, on July 4, 2024, at the age of 77. Prince Lloyd was a man of many talents and accomplishments, leaving an indelible mark on the academic, spiritual, and community realms.

Born in Lafayette, Louisiana, on September 11, 1946, Prince Lloyd's journey was one of intellectual curiosity and devotion to his faith. He earned his Ph.D. in English from Southern Illinois University in 1979 and went on to have a distinguished academic career, serving as a professor at several prestigious universities, including the University of Northern Colorado, where he chaired the Department of English and directed the Composition program.

Prince Lloyd was renowned for his pioneering work in the field of "Neo-Gothicism," a contemporary literary movement that drew inspiration from the rich traditions of the 18th-century Gothic novel. As the editor of the prestigious "Ruthven Literary Bulletin" and a long-standing director of the American Literature Division of the International Association for the Fantastic in the Arts (IAFA), he made significant contributions to the scholarly understanding and appreciation of this genre.

Beyond his academic pursuits, Prince Lloyd was a deeply spiritual individual, serving as an auxiliary bishop and Vicar-General of the Liberal Catholic Church, Province of the USA. He was also the Grand Master of the Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem.

His Apostolic Highness Prince-Bishop Rutherford I of Rome-Ruthenia remembered Prince Lloyd's kindness and dedication with great fondness, stating, "Prince Lloyd was a true servant of Christ, whose compassion and wisdom inspired all who had the privilege of knowing him. His legacy will continue to guide and uplift those who seek to follow in his footsteps."

In addition to his academic and spiritual accomplishments, Prince Lloyd was also a talented magician, known as "Worley the Wizard," and the founder of the SAM 292 chapter in Greeley, Colorado, where he shared his love of the art with fellow enthusiasts.

Prince Lloyd is survived by his beloved wife of 57 years, H.S.H. Princess Maydean Mouton Worley, their children, Baroness Erin S. W. Satterlee (husband Rev. Fr. Brian Satterlee) and Baron Albert Worley, and his grandson, Michael Satterlee.

As we bid farewell in this life to this remarkable man, we are reminded of the profound impact he had on the lives of those around him. Prince Lloyd's legacy of scholarship, service, and spiritual devotion will continue to inspire generations to come. May he rest in eternal peace, and may his family find solace in the knowledge that his memory will be cherished by all who had the privilege of knowing him.

Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Honoring Excellence: Hernan Alejandro Olano García Appointed as Fellow of the Pontifical Society

By M. Derosiers 

BOGATA 3 July 2024 (NRom)

In honor of a man of remarkable achievements and contributions, HRH Dr. Hernan Alejandro Olano García has been named a Fellow of the Pontifical Society. Prof. Olano's selection as a Fellow follows an early honorary appointment as honorary professor at the Pontifical Georgian College. Additionally, he holds distinguished positions within the academic community, serving as a member of the Superior Council and the Council of the Faculty of the University of La Sabana, as well as being a member of the Academic Council at the University La Gran Colombia.

The Pontifical Society, founded in 1999, is an academic and scientific institution that recognizes and fosters individual achievements across a diverse array of disciplines. Candidates for Fellowship must be nominated by at least two existing Fellows and then undergo an approval process by the Board of Governors. The Society's roster boasts an impressive array of individuals, including royalty, American presidents, international clergy, Olympic athletes, and luminaries from the arts, entertainment, and sciences.

Prof. Olano's appointment as a Fellow of the Pontifical Society is a testament to his exceptional accomplishments and the impact he has had on the world around him. His diverse range of expertise, from academia to civil service, has earned him the respect and admiration of his peers, and this latest recognition solidifies his standing as a true leader and visionary in his chosen pursuits. This appointment not only honors the professor's achievements but also serves as a catalyst for his future endeavors, as he continues to push the boundaries of what is possible and inspire others to follow in his footsteps.

Remembrances of Dr. Chev. John Edgar Endicott, President of Woosong University, Air Force Colonel, and Knight Grand Cross of the Pontifical Order of the Eagle

Personal article by H.H. Bishop Rutherford I of Rome-Ruthenia

3 July 2024


Dr. John Endicott (1936-2024), an old friend and mentor of more than 20 years, died a week and a half ago. And so I will share some personal remembrances of him.

It was a funny way that he and I met. He was Director of the Center for International Strategy, Technology, and Policy (CISTP) at Georgia Tech while I was in graduate school at the Georgia Tech School of Economics. I was walking down the hall of the main liberal arts building when I passed him. He was wearing a three-piece suit with pocket watch -- and it was like I was looking in the mirror. I said "I have one of those," and he smiled and replied "Good!" We kept walking. The next time I was in the building for class, I also was in a three-piece suit with pocket watch. We soon became friends, with common interests ranging from military as brother officers to international culture. You could easily spot either of us around the Georgia Tech campus - suit, tie, and fedora. (I also discovered later that he spoke Russian, which was definitely a point in his favor.)

Col. John Endicott (left) and Bishop Rutherford I (right)
in the president's office at Woosong University

Meanwhile, around the time I was finishing my PhD at the University of Kentucky's College of Agriculture, Food, and Environment, Endicott had become President of Woosong University and Vice Chancellor of the SolBridge International School of Business in Daejeon, South Korea. He invited me to become a member of the original faculty. He said "You are the first person the new team has decided to hire. So, you will be representing us all and we know you will do absolutely great," so how could I turn it down when he put it like that? I accepted the offer and moved to the Land of the Morning Calm.  

Living in South Korea was a very enjoyable time, and some of my favorite memories include morning coffee regularly in the president's office, he and his wife, Mitsuyo (known to their friends as Mitchie) making pancakes for me at their apartment to go with the maple syrup I brought back as a gift for them from Maine, and going out for miso soup. Endicott and I were also fencing partners. He was rather good with a foil (my preferred blade), and it certainly helped to keep us in shape. He and his wife were also regular participants with the ballroom dance class that I started for faculty, staff, and students on campus (which was part of the recollections he kindly included about me in his memoirs he published several years ago). And, when we founded the St Jude University Chapel, he was one of the regular congregants. In fact, he was often "pressed into service" as the Lector at the liturgy.

Col. Endicott reading the lesson at a liturgy at
the Solbridge International School of Business, with
Bishop Rutherford (then Bishop of the Southwest) to the left.

Endicott and the faculty accomplished quite a lot at Solbridge. One of the most memorable accomplishments was hosting the Limited Nuclear Weapons Free Zone in Northeast Asia conference, which Endicott had founded some years ago. In my role as director of special projects, I helped to organise the event, which hosted government officials and academics from around the world. 

L-R: Col. Endicott, Bishop Rutherford I, and US Ambassador Kelly
at the Limited Nuclear Weapons Free Zone of Northeast Asia
conference held at Solbridge

For a while I was, in addition to my faculty role, effectively Endicott's personal assistant, which was very enjoyable and reminded me of our time back at Georgia Tech. Once I came in late to a meeting of the president's cabinet being held on a particularly hot day, and he was a bit annoyed at me -- until he saw that the reason I was late was that I had been all the way across town at an Italian gelateria that I had recently discovered and brought back gelato for everyone to help combat the oppressive heat. 

Col. Endicott was always proud of his Campbell ancestry,
so he wore his Campbell tartan kilt to culture events
at Solbridge. To keep him company at one of the
 events, I had my royal Stuart kilt shipped to me.

Since we both had long-standing connections to Georgia Tech, one thing I know we were both particularly proud of was establishing the 2+2 dual degree programme between Solbridge and Georgia Tech. He and I, among a number of others, put a lot of work into that effort. Once the programme was set, I ended up teaching mathematics and physics courses in order to help our students meet the requirements for Georgia Tech. That was definitely something I did not expect to be doing as an economics professor! 

Dr. Endicott (back row third from right) and Bishop Johnson (upper left),
along with other key faculty and administrators at the
signing ceremony for the Dual Degree programme
between Georgia Tech and Solbridge

When I left the University (and Korea), the last dinner in Daejeon included my wife and I with John and Michie, as well as the Korean vice-president who had "adopted" me as my "big brother." It was a very pleasant evening, and they presented me with a commendation letter thanking me for my years of service helping to build Solbridge into what it was. (Today Solbridge is a highly ranked international business school, and Woosong university is recognized as a top tier University in Korea.)

John Endicott remains one of the most interesting, distinguished, and memorable people I have ever had the privilege of calling a friend. Unfortunately other obligations prevented me from flying to Georgia for the funeral last week. However, the Divine Liturgy of the Dead will be celebrated here in his memory soon.

Sunday, June 30, 2024

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Celebrating Saints Peter and Paul in the United the Roman-Ruthenian Church

H.H. the Bishop during a solemn
liturgy for St. Paul the Apostle.
By M. Derosiers

ROME-RUTHENIA 30 June 2024 (NRom)

The Feast of Saints Peter and Paul is a time-honored tradition in the Christian world, commemorating the lives and legacies of two of the most influential apostles of Jesus Christ. For the faithful of the United Roman-Ruthenian Church, these feast days hold a special significance, as they represent not only the veneration of these revered saints, but also the spiritual unity and sovereignty of the Pontifical Imperial State of Rome-Ruthenia - today a nation without borders serving people of many civil states in the example of Christ. Saints Peter and Paul are the patron saints of His Apostolic Highness the Prince-Bishop of Rome-Ruthenia as the sovereign of the Pontifical Imperial State. On June 29th and 30th, the United Roman-Ruthenian Church celebrated this special event around the globe.

The United Roman-Ruthenian Church is a unique and remarkable entity, blending rich and diverse heritage in a vibrant, dynamic, and ancient expression of Christianity. Through its liturgy, its governance, and its unwavering proclamation of the Gospel of Christ, the Roman-Ruthenian Church stands as a beacon of unity and stability in an often-turbulent world. Its teachings have provided solace, guidance, and inspiration to believers around the world, who have found in its sacraments and traditions a deep well of spiritual nourishment and community.

The Pontifical Imperial State of Rome-Ruthenia and United Roman-Ruthenian Church represent a unique and powerful voice in the world. As a sovereign entity, it carries the weight of centuries of tradition and the moral authority of the Christian Church. Its influence extends far beyond the borders of its own territories, as it serves as a beacon of hope, a champion of justice, and a tireless advocate for the rights and dignity of all people, in part through its special status with the United Nations.

It is this combination of spiritual depth and world significance that makes the celebrations of the Feast of Saints Peter and Paul in the United Roman-Ruthenian Church so profoundly meaningful. These are both religious observances and a testament to the enduring power of faith, the beauty of cultural exchange, and the transformative power of unity in Christ.

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Distinguished Leader Baron Dr. Norvell Vandervall Coots of Esne and Rottingen Passes Away at 65

Baron Coots of Esne and
Rottingen in the uniform
of a Lieutenant General
of the Pontifical
Walsingham Guard
ROME-RUTHENIA 18 June 2024 (NRom)

H.E. Baron Dr. Norvell Vandervall Coots of Esne and Rottingen, Lieutenant General, PWG, a distinguished figure in both the military and medical communities, died at Maryland's Shock Trauma Center on Wednesday, June 12, 2024, due to complications from injuries sustained in a horseback riding accident on US Memorial Day. He was 65 years old. A retired general from the U.S. Army, he was also a hereditary aristocrat as a member of the nobility of the Pontifical Imperial StatePontifical Imperial State, the French nobility, and the Moldovan nobility. The Pontifical Household has declared a period of mourning. 

A Life of Service and Dedication

Baron Coots was a man of many accomplishments in medicine, in the military, and in the Church. He was a Noble Companion of the Noble Company of the Court of St. Mary of Walsingham and held the office of Master of the Virga Rubea, a high-ranking office in the Pontifical Court of the Pontifical Imperial State responsible for escorting the Patriarchal Staff of St. Stephen in procession, which bears a relic of the saint.

In addition to his religious roles, Baron Coots was a Lieutenant General, the highest rank conferred, in the Pontifical Walsingham Guard, where he served as Chief of Medicine. (He was the only officer to hold that rank.) He was also a Knight of the Order of the Pontifical Imperial State, a Knight Grand Cross of St. Gregory the Great, and a Knight of the Legion of Honor of the French Republic. 

Distinguished Medical Career

Beyond his religious commitments, Baron Coots had a distinguished career in healthcare leadership. Most recently, he served as the Chair of the National Institute of Health's Clinical Center Research Hospital Board, which was established in 2016 to oversee operations at the NIH Clinical Center.  Prior to that, Coots led Holy Cross Health in Silver Spring, Maryland for seven years before retiring in 2024. Under his leadership, Holy Cross Health became a regional leader in comprehensive cancer care, and he established a program to address the specific healthcare needs of military service members, veterans, and their families.

Baron Coots retired from the United States Army in 2016 as a Brigadier General after 36 years of service and numerous awards and recognitions. His final assignments included serving as the Commanding General of Regional Health Command Europe and the Command Surgeon for the US Army Europe and 7th Army. He also held positions such as Deputy Commanding General of the US Army Medical Command, Assistant Surgeon General of the Army, and Surgeon General for the US Forces in Afghanistan. From 2008 to 2011, he was the final Commander of the historic Walter Reed Healthcare System and Walter Reed Army Medical Center in Washington, D.C.

Baron Coots (left) riding at the French Riding
Academy as a guest of the French Army

Remembering a Friend and Leader

His Apostolic Highness Prince-Bishop Rutherford I of Rome-Ruthenia, a close friend of Baron Dr. Coots, expressed his deep sorrow upon learning of his passing: "Baron Coots, or 'Van' as his friends called him, was not only a dear friend of many years, but also an exemplary leader in his religious, military, charitable, and medical endeavours. We were fellow horsemen and spent a lot of time talking about horses. I also always admired his strong dedication to tradition. His unwavering dedication to serving others and his commitment to his faith will forever be remembered. The world has lost a truly remarkable individual, and his presence will be greatly missed."

An Enduring Legacy

The legacy of Baron Norvell Vandervall Coots of Esne and Rottingen will live on through the countless lives he touched and the organizations he served. His contributions to the religious community, military, and medical field will continue to inspire others to follow in his footsteps of service and dedication. As we mourn the loss of this extraordinary individual, we take comfort in knowing that his impact will endure, and his memory will be cherished by all who had the privilege of knowing him.

Sunday, June 2, 2024

Pontifical Walsingham Guard at Italian Military Parade

By A. DiNardo

ROMA 2 June 2024 (NRom)

On June 2nd, Maj. Gen. Giancarlo Martini, representing the Pontifical Walsingham Guard and the Pontifical CourtPontifical Court of the Pontifical Imperial StatePontifical Imperial State, attended the Military Review for the Festa della Repubblica (the national day) of the Italian Republic. This annual event takes place at the Imperial Forum in Rome, in the presence of the Altar of the Fatherland and the President of the Republic, as well as other high-ranking government officials. Maj. Gen. Martini is a retired officer of the Italian Carabineri and continues to serve in the Pontifical Walsingham Guard. 

Despite the fact that it was pouring rain on the day of the celebration, the event was a memorable success. Maj. Gen. Martini's participation in the ceremony highlighted the importance of the Italian peninsula in the Pontifical Imperial State of Rome-RutheniaPontifical Imperial State of Rome-Ruthenia and the United Roman-Ruthenian ChurchUnited Roman-Ruthenian Church

The Festa della Repubblica commemorates the day in 1946 when the Italian people voted to establish the Italian Republic. It is a day of great national pride and celebration, with parades, military displays, and other festivities taking place throughout the country.

The Frecce Tricolori fly at the event.

Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Championing the Arts: Bishop and Dame of Rome-Ruthenia Attend Opera in Budapest

Dame Hanna and Bishop Rutherford at 
the Hungarian National Opera in Budapest
By M. Derosiers

BUDAPEST 22 May 2024 (NRom)

H.H. Bishop Rutherford and H.M. Dame Hanna of Rome-Ruthenia recently attended the Hungarian State Opera in Budapest, Hungary (formerly known as the Hungarian Royal Opera). This was a public testament of the Pontifical Imperial State's steadfast commitment to nurturing and preserving the arts around the world. It conveys the message that the United Roman-Ruthenian Church and its temporal wing, the Pontifical Imperial State of Rome-Ruthenia value the arts and their profound ability to enrich and transform lives. Art has an unparalleled power to inspire, educate, and unite people in shared experiences of beauty, meaning, and community. Yet, this commitment extends beyond just attending events; it involves promoting the development of artistic talent, ensuring the preservation of cultural heritage, and creating platforms for the arts to thrive.

The Hungarian National Opera House is a stunning architectural marvel that has long been a beacon of artistic excellence, captivating audiences with its world-class performances and unparalleled grandeur. Throughout the performance, the audience was treated to an enthralling display of operatic talent, creating a truly unforgettable experience.

A Reflection of the Pontifical Imperial State's Values

The arts have long been a cornerstone of human civilization, serving as a means of expression, cultural preservation, and societal advancement. By embracing and supporting cultural institutions around the world, the Pontifical Imperial State demonstrates its deep appreciation for the transformative power of the arts, recognizing their ability to inspire, educate, and unite people from all walks of life.

Throughout the years, the Pontifical Imperial State has recognized many outstanding people through its honors system. This includes the Pontifical Society. Fellows inducted to the Pontifical Society have included various great artists around the world. 

Historical Connection 

Hungary once held sway over a vast territory that encompassed not only present-day Hungary but also many modern-day nations, including Romania, Bulgaria, and Croatia, among others. Some of these territories overlap with the traditional regions associated with the modern Pontifical Imperial State.  

Hungary's historical ties to the Pontifical Imperial State showcase the nation's significant role in shaping the region's past. For example, a Hungarian king, Andras II, ascended to the Ruthenian throne, which constitutes a major part of the Pontifical Imperial State's titular patrimony. Known as the King of Galicia during his reign, this Hungarian monarch's rule over Ruthenia demonstrated the fluid nature of power dynamics in medieval Europe. The interconnectedness of royal families and the shifting alliances of the time allowed for such unique crossovers in leadership.

As the Kingdom of Ruthenia (Old Russian State) faced its eventual dissolution, Hungary seized the opportunity to expand its territory. The Hungarian kingdom successfully incorporated some of the former Ruthenian lands into its domain, further strengthening its position in the region. Thus, Hungarian territories remain historically linked to the Pontifical Imperial State. 

Saturday, May 4, 2024

In Memory of Archabbot Anthony Giunta: A Life of Selfless Service and Devotion

By A. Hernandez

ROME-RUTHENIA 4 May 2024 (NRom)

The passing of H.E. the Rt. Rev. Archabbot Anthony Giunta, TOR Mar, on the 2nd of May 2024, marks the end of an era for the Franciscans of the United Roman-Ruthenian Church and the broader religious community. Archabbot Giunta was a true servant of God, dedicating his life to the betterment of others through his unwavering faith, remarkable accomplishments, and profound compassion.

Archabbot Anthony administers the sacrament of Baptism.

Archabbot Giunta's journey was one of remarkable versatility and unwavering commitment. Before serving in the Church, he served in the United States Army and National Guard, as well as a Police Officer, specializing as an Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) Technician. This experience instilled in him a deep appreciation for the sacrifices made by those who protect and serve our communities.

Archabbot Anthony admits a religious sister to the novitiate.

Transitioning from his military and law enforcement roles, Archabbot Giunta pursued his calling as a chaplain, serving with the U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary, the South Carolina State Guard, and various fire departments and police departments. However, his principal role was as a hospital chaplain, where he became the most requested chaplain across all denominational lines, ministering to the spiritual needs of those in their most vulnerable moments. As a cancer survivor himself, he understood the struggles of his patients firsthand. 

Archabbot Anthony as a Fire Chaplain.

Archabbot Giunta's dedication to continuous education was equally impressive. He completed multiple degrees, including a doctorate, and served as a professor at the Pontifical Georgian College, sharing his vast knowledge and insights with the next generation of religious leaders. And, he held ranks in the Pontifical Walsingham Guard as a Colonel and a Naval Captain, serving as Chief of Chaplains. 

In recognition of his exceptional service and contributions, Archabbot Giunta was honored with the special rank of Canon Priest in the Patriarchal Curia of the Pontifical Court, which came with the title of "Excellency" and other special privileges. This distinction was a testament to his unwavering devotion and the profound impact he had on the lives of those he served.

Archabbot Anthony's coat of arms as Archabbot,
Superior General, and Canon Priest of the Patriarchal Chapter.

His Apostolic Highness Prince-Bishop Rutherford I eloquently captured the essence of Archabbot Giunta's legacy, stating, "Archabbot Giunta was a true beacon of hope and inspiration, a man whose life was a testament to the power of faith, compassion, and service. His passing leaves an indelible mark on our community, and his memory will continue to guide and inspire us in the years to come."

The Franciscans of the United Roman-Ruthenian Church, as well as the broader religious community, have lost a true champion, a man whose life was a shining example of what it means to live a life of selfless service and unwavering devotion. As we mourn his passing, we can take solace in the profound impact he had on countless lives and the enduring legacy he has left behind.

Friday, April 26, 2024

Delegate of the Gallican Rite Appointed in France

Mons. Hugo-Marie
M. Derosiers

MAYENNE 26 April 2024 (NRom)

In a move that underscores the deep reverence for tradition, His Excellency Archbishop Alejandro Paolo, Archbishop of Lyon and Primate of the Catholic Church of the Gallican Rite, appointed Monsignor Hugo-Marie as the Delegate of the Primate in France. This significant appointment, made on 25 April 2024, the Feast of St. Mark the Evangelist, marks a pivotal moment in the Church's history, highlighting the ongoing commitment to the Gallican Rite, one of the United Roman-Ruthenian Church's principal rites with a rich and diverse heritage. 

The appointment of Monsignor Hugo-Marie by Archbishop Alejandro Paolo received confirmation from Sire Rubén, head of the Royal Merovingian Dynasty, and from the Bishop of Rome-Ruthenia. This double-confirmation underscores the unique position of the Gallican Rite within the Church, weaving together ecclesiastical authority of the Archbishop of Lyon with the temporal protection of the Royal Merovingian Dynasty. The co-involvement of these distinct yet interconnected authorities highlights the Gallican Rite's historical and contemporary significance.

Mons. Hugo-Marie, based at the Chapel of the Holy Family and St. Louis in the region of Mayenne, France, now assumes a role of great importance. His primary responsibility as the Delegate of the Primate in France involves not only administrative duties but also, and perhaps more importantly, the preservation and promotion of the ancient Gallican liturgy directly within the French territory. This liturgy, characterized by its ancient roots and eastern influences, represents a vital link to the Church's past and a beacon for its future.

Although the ancient Gallican liturgy is a Western liturgy, its origins and practices maintain a significant Eastern influence. This unique blend of traditions is a reminder of the universality of the Christian faith, transcending geographical and cultural boundaries. The liturgy itself was founded by two Syriac-Greek bishops of Jerusalem and Antioch, who brought with them the rich traditions of Eastern Christianity, infusing the Gallican Rite with distinctive liturgical practices and theological insights. 

The appointment of Mons. Hugo-Marie as the Delegate of the Primate in France is more than a mere administrative change; it is a reaffirmation of the Church's dedication to its liturgical heritage and a statement of its commitment to preserving the rich traditions and heritage of the Gallican Rite. As the Church looks to the future, the role of Mons. Hugo-Marie will be crucial in ensuring that the ancient liturgy of the Gallican Rite continues to enrich the spiritual lives of the faithful and serves as a living link to the Church's storied past. As the Gallican Rite moves forward, it carries with it the legacy of its Eastern founders, the protection of the Royal Merovingian Dynasty, the spiritual unity of the United Roman-Ruthenian Church, and the hopes of countless faithful who find solace and strength in its ancient practices.

Saturday, April 13, 2024

A Caring, Regal Touch in the Classroom - Grand Duchess Wanda Receives Teacher of the Year Award

By A. DiNardo

ROME-RUTHENIA 14 April 2024 (NRom)

Recently H.I.R.H. Grand Duchess Wanda of Rome-Frankfurt has been honored with a prestigious Teacher of the Year award, a testament to her unparalleled dedication and influence in education. Teaching English at a high school in the USA, she has not only imparted linguistic knowledge but also life-changing lessons to her students. Her selection for this award from a competitive pool of educators across 30 high schools underscores the profound impact she has made in her students' lives and in the educational community at large.

A Teacher Like No Other

A senior member of the Pontifical Court in the United Roman-Ruthenian Church, Grand Duchess Wanda's approach to teaching in high school goes beyond traditional methods. Her students, who have been vocal in their admiration and respect for her, highlight not just her dedication to teaching English but also to instilling valuable life lessons. "I believe that you have changed people's perspective on life," one student remarked, encapsulating the transformative experience of being under her tutelage. Her commitment to education is evident in the hours she dedicates to grading with quality, ensuring each student receives the feedback they need to excel.

What makes her shine even more is her consistent, positive demeanor. "Her mood is always amazing," commented another student, hinting at the encouraging and uplifting atmosphere she creates in her classroom. This positive environment fosters learning and personal growth, making every lesson not just educational but also a journey of self-discovery for her students.

More Than Just a Teacher

The Grand Duchess's dedication to her students' well-being and academic success is unmistakable. "It is evident that you care about each and every student as well as their ability to grow," said a student, shedding light on her personalized approach to teaching. This individual attention ensures that no student feels left behind, making her classroom a space where every student believes in their potential to grow and succeed.

Her teaching style, characterized by dedication, empathy, and a commitment to excellence, has not only helped her students excel academically but has also taught them valuable life lessons. The Grand Duchess has effectively used her platform and role as an educator to inspire her students, teaching them the importance of hard work, perseverance, and compassion.

The Grand Duchess's holds a unique position in that her role goes beyond that of a typical educator. Her dedication to education is an integral part of her sense of humanitarian service. And, her position within the church allows her to blend her passion for education with her commitment to serving others. 

For Grand Duchess Wanda, education is not just about imparting knowledge; it is about empowering young minds to become compassionate and informed individuals. Her commitment to education and humanitarian service sets an inspiring example for others. She believes that she can make a meaningful difference in the lives of her students and the wider community, and her recent teaching award shows her efforts are recognized and appreciated by both her students and her fellow educators. 

Leaving a Lasting Legacy

The Teacher of the Year award is a fitting recognition for Her Highness's contributions to education. However, her legacy extends beyond this accolade. Through her innovative teaching methods, some feel she has raised the bar for the way English is taught, making it more engaging, relevant, and impactful for her students. Her ability to connect with her students on a personal level, coupled with her dedication to their growth, has left an indelible mark on their lives.

In a time in which education can sometimes feel disconnected from the realities of life, the Grand Duchess has bridged that gap. She has shown that it is possible to teach not just academic content but also lessons that prepare students for the challenges and opportunities of life. Her achievement as Teacher of the Year is a beacon of excellence in the teaching profession, and her story is a powerful reminder of the impact a dedicated teacher can have on their students' lives. Most importantly, her commitment to education and her students' success stands as a testament to her character and dedication. 

The Grand Duchess is not just a teacher but a mentor, a guide, and an inspiration to her students, colleagues, and the broader educational community. In the end, it is clear that the historical legacy she maintains only enhances her role in the classroom, bringing a unique perspective and a deep-seated passion for education that has rightfully earned her the admiration of her students and the recognition of her peers as Teacher of the Year.

Wednesday, April 3, 2024

Easter Tradition: Bishop Rutherford I Blesses Wax "Agnus Dei" Disks

The Agnus Dei disks, some
immersed in water, some
already on a tray to dry. 

By. A. Hernandez


The sacred ceremony of blessing the wax Agnus Dei disks, a practice deeply rooted in the history of the Christian faith, was revived last year in the United Roman-Ruthenian Church and continues to signify the deep spiritual connection and continuity within the Church. The ritual was performed by His Apostolic Highness Bishop Rutherford I of Rome-Ruthenia, and the blessed wax disks will be distributed far and wide. 

The revival of blessing the Agnus Dei disks in the United Roman-Ruthenian Church is not just about bringing back an old custom. It is about reconnecting with a rich spiritual heritage and offering the faithful tangible tokens of divine protection and blessing. In a world that often seems disconnected from its spiritual roots, the reintroduction of this tradition serves as a beacon of hope and faith.

Blessing the Agnus Dei disks with
incense before they are immersed
in water.

The decision last year to revive the blessing of the Agnus Dei disks has been met with enthusiasm. It has sparked a renewed interest in the Church's ancient traditions and customs, bringing the faithful closer together and deepening their spiritual lives. The blessed disks have become cherished items, symbolizing unity, protection, and the enduring presence of God in their lives.

Removing the baptized Agnus Dei wax disks from the water.

Understanding the Agnus Dei Disks

The Agnus Dei, which translates to "Lamb of God" in Latin, is more than just a symbol within Christianity; it represents Jesus Christ and his sacrifice for humanity's salvation. The Agnus Dei disks are small, round wax pieces that have been blessed by the Bishop of Rome-Ruthenia. These disks are traditionally made from the leftover wax and are embossed with the image of the Lamb of God. , symbolizing Christ.

H.H. Bishop Rutherford I
wearing the vestments
designated for this ritual.

The Ceremony of Blessing

The ritual, which typically takes place on Wednesday of Paschal Week, involves a special prayer and ritual, where the bishop invokes God's blessing upon the wax disks, asking for His protection over those who will use them. This ceremony not only highlights the continuity of the Church's traditions but also strengthens the bond between the pontiff and the faithful.

Before the ceremony, the prepared disks are placed on trays and laid on the altar or a table designation for the ceremony. The Bishop-Imperator begins the ceremony by invoking the Holy Spirit, asking for divine assistance in blessing the sacramental. The water to be used is blessed, and then fragrance and the Holy Chrism (one of the holy oils) are added to it. He then blesses the disks, also using incense, symbolizing purification and sanctification. Specific prayers are recited, asking God to impart His blessings upon the Agnus Dei and those who will use them. The disks are then baptized by being immersed in the water and oil mixture, after which they are removed and placed on trays to dry. The Agnus Dei disks are distributed and made available to the faithful as a gift of spiritual protection and grace.

The Significance of the Agnus Dei Disks

The blessed Agnus Dei disks carry a profound spiritual significance. They are considered sacramentals, objects that the Church provides to help the faithful sanctify their everyday lives. The disks are often kept in homes, carried as personal protectors, or given as gifts to provide spiritual comfort and protection. They are symbols of Christ's presence in the lives of believers, serving as reminders of His sacrifice and love.

Monday, April 1, 2024

Inside the Unique Governance of the United Roman-Ruthenian Church

By M. Derosiers

ROME-RUTHENIA 2 April 2024 (NRom)

The governance of the United Roman-Ruthenian Church and its historic temporal wing, the Pontifical Imperial State of Rome-Ruthenia is a topic that captures the imagination of many. At its helm is the Bishop of Rome-Ruthenia, a figure who combines ecclesiastical authority with sovereign dignity. This unique blend of roles is accompanied by an array of traditional auxiliary titles such as Prince of the Romans, Grand Duke and titular Karol of Ruthenia, and more. But who is the current head of the Church, His Apostolic Highness Prince-Bishop Rutherford I, and how is the incumbent of such a multifaceted position chosen? Is it a matter of bloodline, or is it an elective process? The answer lies somewhere in between, in a semi-hereditary, semi-elective ecclesiastical monarchy system that has roots in several historical precedents.

The United Roman-Ruthenian Church

St. Aftimios Ofiesh, Russian
Orthodox Bishop of Brooklyn,
one of the two Holy Fathers of 
the Apostolic See of the
United Roman-Ruthenian Church
The United Roman-Ruthenian Church is a canonical autocephalous patriarchal Apostolic Church of ancient Orthodox and Catholic origins, also with special status with the United Nations Economics and Social Council. It is also in hereditary descent from Rome and Russia and is considered the temporal successor of St. Peter. St. John Paul II relinquished the temporal claims of the Bishops of Rome, except for those pertaining to Vatican City, while St. Benedict XVI renounced the Patriarchal title. The succession to the temporal heritage of Rome now rests with the United Roman-Ruthenian Church as the next-closest heir in recognized and documented succession from St. Leo X in the Holy Roman Empire. The current structure and name resulted in 2023 when several jurisdictions merged. The modern diocese was established in 1978, with autocephalous status in 2008 and patriarchal status in 2011. (See more at the Frequently Asked Questions.)
Pope St. Leo X, Prince of
Florence, one of the two
Holy Fathers of the
Apostolic See of the United
Roman-Ruthenian Church

The Pontifical Imperial State

In the rich tapestry of history, the states of the Church transcend time and hold great significance. The Pontifical Imperial State of Rome-Ruthenia is the titular secular wing of the United Roman-Ruthenian Church. It is the combination of the historic Pontifical Roman State and the Pontifical Kingdom of Ruthenia and All Rus' to which the Church is heir, carrying a legacy that spans centuries. 

To foster a sense of unity and represent all the historical territories associated with the patrimony of the United Roman-Ruthenian Church (which include an empire, three kingdoms, several principalities, and more), the modern name - Pontifical Imperial State of Rome-Ruthenia - was chosen. Uniting these historic states and church jurisdictions under one banner of fellowship strengthens the bonds of collective heritage within the United Roman-Ruthenian Church and writes a new chapter in their shared history. Despite our diverse backgrounds, we are all part of a greater whole. Today the Pontifical Imperial States stands as an ethno-religious cultural nation without political territory that constitutes a state unto itself, representing people across multiple modern political countries.

Top Left: Roman the Great, Tsar of All Rus'
Top Right: Lev II, King of Russia
Bottom Left: Valentinian III Augustus
Bottom Right: Constantine VII,
Byzantine Emperor of Rome

The Church's continued claim over the Pontifical Imperial State may seem puzzling to some, given that it no longer possesses any actual political territory and does not seek to control any political territory. Historical significance, autonomy from secular authorities, diplomatic recognition, and protection of church assets all are contributing factors. Yet, the Church's claim is rooted in its historical significance, for the Church still recognizes its historical connection and significance to the areas that once comprised the Pontifical Imperial State, even though they now belong to other modern political countries. Also, by maintaining its claim over the Pontifical Imperial State, the Church asserts its autonomy and independence from secular authorities. This symbolic declaration reinforces the Church's position as a sovereign entity and serves as a reminder of its spiritual authority. That allows the Church to maintain diplomatic relations with other entities, participate in international affairs, and to function as a sovereign state unto itself, despite lacking political territory. Furthermore, this claim acts as a safeguard against any possible challenges or encroachments on historical assets.

Full coat of arms of the
Pontifical and Imperial Household
of the United Roman-Ruthenian Church

The Semi-Hereditary, Semi-Elective Monarchy Explained

St. Peter the Apostle vested
as a Bishop of the
Gallo-Russo-Byzantine Rite
of the United Roman-Ruthenian Church

The governance structure of The United Roman-Ruthenian Church and the Pontifical Imperial State of Rome-Ruthenia is neither purely hereditary nor entirely elective. This system mirrors the historical institution of hereditary bishoprics and nation-states governed by prince-bishops, with Montenegro often cited as a prime example. The current Supreme Pontiff, Bishop Rutherford I, holds his secular titles through his ecclesiastical office. Also, the several titles held by his family were bequeathed to the Church, thus making them now inseparable from the office of the Bishop of Rome-Ruthenia. And, today these titles are symbolic and no longer refer to (or seek) direct governance of a civil state. Therefore they form an ethno-religious nation without borders that constitutes a state unto itself, representing people across multiple modern political countries.

His Apostolic Highness Prince-Bishop Rutherford I

Bishop Rutherford I
in uniform of the 
Walsingham Guard

Bishop Rutherford of Rome-Ruthenia, elected as head of the Church in 2011, is a figure embodying humble service, dignity, and historical significance. His Apostolic Highness's lineage spans the great royal and noble houses of Europe, from the western realms to the eastern domains, including the Kingdom of Ruthenia that forms a major part of the Church's patrimony. He is part of the nobility of the Merovingian Dynasty, the Holy Roman Empire, and the Byzantine Empire. And, in his role as Supreme Pontiff, he is head of the Pontifical and Imperial House of Johnson-Roma-Rus', the ecclesiastical dynastic successors to the Houses of Rurikovich, Romanovich, and Ivrea. The family is entrusted with the sacred duty of upholding the traditions and values of the United Roman-Ruthenian Church and Pontifical Imperial State of Rome-Ruthenia. Although the family is Roman-Russian, with strong Latin and Slavic heritage, it also has a long history in the British Isles, North America, and the Caribbean.

Bishop Rutherford I
in clerical habit

Despite his European roots, Bishop Rutherford I was born and raised in the United States, where he also descends from some of the most distinguished American families such as the Warren, Winslow, and Phillips families of Boston, among others. In addition to seminary, he holds degrees from Harvard University Extension School, the Georgia Institute of Technology, and the University of Kentucky's College of Agriculture, Food, and Environment, and is also a behavioral scientist specialized in psychological economics. For Bishop Rutherford I, serving in his ecclesiastical role is more than a mere duty; it is the intersection of a profound familial obligation and a deeply-held act of faith. In 2025, the P.I. House of Johnson-Roma-Rus' will be celebrating 20 years of the restoration of the Roman-Russian dynasty. 

Historical Precedents of Hereditary Ecclesiastical Offices

Bishop Petar II, 
Metropolitan and
Prince of Montenegro
The concept of a semi-hereditary, semi-elective monarchy, as seen in The United Roman-Ruthenian Church and the Pontifical Imperial State of Rome-Ruthenia, is not without historical precedent. The prince-bishoprics of medieval Europe, (such as Montenegro, already mentioned) served as theocratic states where the bishop held both spiritual and temporal power. These prince-bishops were often appointed through a combination of hereditary succession and election by religious or noble bodies, reflecting a governance model that balanced inherited rights with the endorsement of peers or the clergy. Today prince-bishoprics that are actively-functioning civil states are Andorra (which lies between Spain and France) and the Vatican City. 

A Fusion of Heritage and Duty

The governance of the United Roman-Ruthenian Church and the Pontifical Imperial State of Rome-Ruthenia is a fascinating blend of hereditary rights and elective processes. This unique system, rooted in historical traditions of prince-bishops and hereditary ecclesiastical offices, showcases the intricate ways in which spiritual and temporal powers can be united under a single leadership. The office of Bishop of Rome-Ruthenia embodies this fusion, bringing together a vast array of secular heritage intertwined with a deep commitment to ecclesiastical duties. The Bishop's duty is to uphold a legacy that is both ancient and perpetually relevant.

Sunday, March 31, 2024

Easter Message from His Apostolic Highness Bishop Rutherford I: A Beacon of Hope

By J. DuBois

ROME-RUTHENIA 31 March 2024 (NRom)

The Bishop of Rome-Ruthenia's annual Easter Blessing Ex Urbe this year was a profound reminder of hope and transformation. Through his words, a pathway to peace and brotherhood is illuminated. His Apostolic Highness Prince-Bishop Rutherford I, Papa-Catholicos of Rome-Ruthenia urged introspection for those lacking peace, highlighting the Church's supportive role in personal transformation. "If you are not at peace, then look inside yourself at your beliefs and change them. The Church is here to help," he said.  Moreover, at its core, the United Roman-Ruthenian Church's mission is to foster global harmony. The Supreme Pontiff's message reiterates this commitment, standing as a beacon for peace and brotherhood in the world. The complete text of the allocution is as follows: 


Christus resurgens est! Христос воскрес! Christ is risen! In a world rife with uncertainty and turmoil,  people today seem to be on a never-ending quest for meaning. Indeed, people often feel lost and shackled by the complexities of life. However, amidst the chaos, there is a beacon of hope and freedom that has been guiding humanity for two thousand years. It is the Faith of Christ. At the core of our religion is the belief that true liberation and hope can only be found in Christ, particularly through the profound mystery of the Resurrection, which we celebrate today and will celebrate again on the 5th of May. 

Remember, brethren, that Christianity offers a path to inner peace through introspection and transformation of beliefs, with the Church playing a pivotal role as a source of support, for the Church stands as a testament to the ideals of peace and brotherhood. If you are not at peace, then look inside yourself at your beliefs and change them. The Church is here to help. 

At the heart of the doctrine of the faith is a promise that transcends the chains of worldly existence—freedom in Christ. This concept is not about physical liberation but rather a profound spiritual awakening that liberates us from sin, despair, and ultimately, death. The Resurrection of Christ is the cornerstone of this belief, offering not just a glimpse but a concrete hope in life beyond this world, a life of eternal peace and joy in the presence of God.

The message of the Resurrection is powerful; it tells us that the trials and tribulations of life are temporary, and in Christ we have the victory over them. It is a message that particularly resonates with anyone who has felt the weight of suffering and seeks a reason to hope, for in our suffering, we united ourselves to Christ on the Cross. Yet, whatever our life path has been or will be, the Resurrection assures us that our struggles are not in vain and that in embracing Christ, we embrace a freedom far beyond the confines of our earthly limitations.

Let us consider also that inner peace is a state coveted by many but achieved by few. It is a journey that begins with a critical look at oneself, particularly one's beliefs. Our beliefs shape our thoughts, actions, and ultimately, our realities. When we are not at peace, it often signals a discord between our internal beliefs and the reality we live in. The key to resolving this is a willingness to introspect and adapt these beliefs. The Christian faith, through the teaching authority of the Apostolic Church, provides a framework for this introspection, for the faith teaches the inner peace, calm, and tranquility only comes through Christ. Thus we must examine our lives through the lens of the teachings of Christ and make necessary adjustments. This process is not about self-judgment but about aligning oneself more closely with the principles of love, forgiveness, and grace. The Church in her teaching authority is a community that offers guidance, support, and encouragement through this journey of self-reflection and growth. For those struggling to find peace and balance, look within, evaluate your beliefs, and never hesitate to seek the Church's timeless wisdom. It is a journey that can lead to profound transformations, bringing one closer to a state of peace that transcends understanding, for, once again, such a peace can only come through Christ.

Next, on this Paschal feast, We reiterate the United Roman-Ruthenian Church's commitment to the ideal of worldwide Christian unity and brotherhood, not just in words but in deeds. Through our various outreach programs, dialogues for peace, and other efforts, the Church actively works towards creating a world where love triumphs over hate, and unity over division. 

In a world in which governments and people talk so much about freedom and peace, the teachings of Christ offer a path forward. That path acknowledges our struggles but promises a victory in Christ. It is a journey that calls for introspection and transformation of beliefs; and a mission that seeks to unite us in love and peace.

The United Roman-Ruthenian Church, along with the broader Christian community, stands ready to guide and support all who embark on this journey. Remember that it is a journey not just towards personal liberation and peace but towards a world that reflects the kingdom of God—where love, peace, and brotherhood triumph, and our Lord Jesus Christ reigns supreme. In embracing this path, we find true hope for the world.