Monday, December 30, 2019

Baroque Music Translator Filip Adam Zieliński Receives Patriarchal Service Cross

Filip Adam Zieliński
CRACOW 30 December 2019 (ORCNS) - Filip Adam Zieliński, Esq., a Polish author, poet, and translator of hundreds of vocal works of Baroque composers, was recently awarded the Patriarchal Service Cross by HIRH Don Rutherford I, Florentine Archfather. The medal, part of the honours system of the Anglo-Italian Imperial Patriarchate, is awarded at the discretion of the Archfather for service to the Imperial Patriarchate or to the arts, sciences, or humanity. It was awarded in this case in recognition of Mr. Zieliński's service to the preservation of Baroque music through his translation of Baroque choral music into Polish. Given the role of the Anglo-Italian Imperial Patriarchate as a living continuation of both the Renaissance and Baroque, Mr. Zieliński's work was considered particularly relevant and important.

Filip Adam Zieliński, was born in the Royal Capital City of Cracow. His father, Adam Piotr Zieliński, is an artist, painter, Cracow Academy of Fine Arts graduate and a civil servant. Danuta Mariola Zielińska, his mother, works in gastronomy. Mr. Zieliński wrote his first translation in 2013 and has since translated hundreds of cantatas. Composers he has translated include J.S. Bach, Georg Philipp Telemann, Johann Kuhnau, Johann Ludwig Bach, Johann Ernst Bach and Georg Melchior Hoffmann. Among his interests, except translating, there are such topics as medieval military and weapon, classical men’s fashion, Church’s history and liturgy.

Patriarchal Service

Thursday, December 26, 2019

Heritage of the Imperial Patriarchate in the City of Rome

View of St. Peter's Square and the City of Rome
ROME 26 December 2019 (ORCNS) - The rich and diverse spiritual and temporal heritage of the Imperial Patriarchate naturally includes Roman heritage by virtue of being traditional Old Roman Catholic of the Anglican Rite. More than that, the Imperial Patriarchate is immensely proud of its direct patrimony within the very city of Rome. It is especially through that heritage that, although it enjoys special privilege of autonomy and independence of government outside the administrative structure of the modern the Roman Communion, the patriarchate remains forever tied to the eternal See of Rome.

As a sign of divine grace and favour,
a beam extends to the top of the dome
of St. Peter's Basilica during a visit of the 

Florentine Archfather.
First to be mentioned is Pope Leo X. The Imperial Patriarchate is the ecclesiastical successor to the temporal patrimony of Leo X in Rome, Florence, and England. This includes the heritage of the Imperial Kingdom of Italy, the crowned Vice-Kingship of which passed to the papacy and then to the Imperial Patriarchate from the ancient House of Canossa-Tuscany. Due to this special succession, the Imperial Patriarchate maintains a special place in Roman history and remains a modern living symbol of the Renaissance and Baroque Roman Church and State. Also, the Apartments of Leo X in the Vatican, also commonly known as the Rafael Rooms, which had also previously been the apartments of Pope Julius II, are considered the official titular residence of the Archprince and Imperial Patriarch in Rome. The apartment is part of the Vatican Museums today and no longer serves as an apartment or an office. Yet, the frescoes by Rafael detail significant parts of the heritage of Imperial Catholicism that the modern patriarchate perpetuates today.
A fresco in the Apartments of Leo X
in the Vatican. Pope Leo
is featured in this fresco.

Ancient Frescoes in the Church
of Santa Maria Antiqua,
located within the Roman
Forum. The Florentine
Archfather is by
his office the Cardinal
Deacon of Santa Maria Antiqua. 
Another element of heritage of the Imperial Patriarchate in Rome stretches back to the early church. Outside of the Vatican, located in the Roman Forum, stands a church that has been called the "Sistine Chapel of the Early Church." The church, Santa Maria Antiqua, was destroyed by an earthquake and eventually lay buried until excavations in the 20th century re-discovered it. A World Monuments Foundation project recently restored it. The Florentine Archfather as Archprince-Bishop of St. Stephen and Anglo-Italian Imperial Patriarch holds by virtue of his ecclesiastical office the title of Cardinal Deacon of Santa Maria Antiqua. Earlier this year, the Archprince formally took symbolic possession of the church. That was delayed by approximately nine years due to the renovation projects. Today the physical building of the Church of Santa Maria Antiqua, as part of the Roman Forum, is owned by the City of Rome. 

Chapel of Pope St. John Paul II in
the Basilica of St. Peter, Vatican
Within the Basilica of St. Peter is located to the Chapel of Pope St. John Paul II. This is a particularly important Chapel related to the heritage of the Imperial Patriarchate since it was under the blessing of St. John Paul that the Legion of the Eagle was reestablished. The Legion of the Eagle not only is the senior -most religious and dynastic order within the Imperial Patriarchate, but itself provides another important link to the city of Rome, for the original Legion, the IX Spanish Legion, was founded by Julius Caesar, founder of the Roman Empire.

These three gems of the cherished history of the Anglo-Italian Imperial Patriarchate forever tie it to the City of Rome and the Roman church and state. While also maintaining its special privilege of autonomy and independence of government outside the administrative structure of the modern the Roman Communion, these historical elements are jealously guarded, revered, and devotedly maintained as a matter of spiritual duty.

Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Patriarchal Allocution - Christmas 2019

PATRIARCHAL SEE 25 December 2019 (ORCNS) - HIRH Don Rutherford I, Florentine Archfather gave the annual Patriarchal Allocution on the Feast of the Nativity of Our Lord. The address centred on topics of evangalisation and tradition. It also included special greetings to the people of Italy and the Spanish-speaking lands.

Text of the Allocution: 

From the Florentine Household to the world and to the members of the Court of St. Mary of Walsingham, grace, peace, and our apostolic blessing on this glorious Feast of the Nativity of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ in the year of our Lord 2019. This is the day in which we celebrate, of course, the coming of Christ as the light of the world. Yet, today, we in Christendom face a situation that is not unlike that of the early church. We find the ways of darkness attempting to snuff out the light of Christ in any way possible. Indeed it is true that we are no longer in the time of the Christianised world, for although it may be the case that the majority of the world’s population identifies in some way as Christian, the true inner belief and outer practice of the faith have been greatly diminished. Ironically, in an era of tolerance being proclaimed, we Christians, particularly those of the traditional Catholic faith, find ourselves a persecuted minority. Even brother often fights brother. 

Some say that Christendom is dead, but with that I cannot agree. Truly Christendom is now like a small candle in a vast abyss of darkness. Yet, even the faintest candle provides light in the dark. Darkness is nothing but the absence of light. It cannot by itself extinguish a light. We must, therefore, look to that light of Christ, no matter how small the flame on earth may be, and seek to fuel it, that it may continue to grow and reflect the incomprehensible strength and brilliance of the light of Christ in heaven gloriously reigning. 

In this time of challenges, we need not seek a new evangelisation, but rather a renewed sense of that very same commission of evangelisation that was given to us by our Lord Himself. This is not a new charge, but the very charge that has always existed for the Christian people. We do not need to remove tradition, for to do so would be to break with that very continuity that links the Christian people of today with the Christian people of every other time period, all the way back to the time when Christ walked the earth as a man – indeed, the very Incarnation that we celebrate today. The faith of Christ is unchanging and knows neither time nor space. We cannot modify our faith and practice to suit the ever-changing whims of the world, for to do so would be to abandon the faith altogether. The clergy and especially the bishops are bound by sacred duty to maintain the true faith, doctrine, and traditions. 

To energise the Christian faithful and to reach new people with the message of love and peace that is Christ, therefore, we must not in any way bend the message of Christ to fit the ways that are purely of the world. That approach has become quite common, and it is disconcerting. What is being preached in such cases, then, is not the faith of Christ, but a faith in mankind alone. What is needed is the framework of the traditions of the church. Those traditions provide the foundation upon which the immutable and eternal truths of the Christian faith stand in the world. Indeed, those traditions, ever-rooted in the very faith that they protect and sustain, exist to stand as a fortified wall against the enemies of the faith. They cannot be destroyed from without, but they can be eroded from within. Once the smoke of Satan enters, it then becomes all too easy to erode the faith. 

Ed ora, ad i nostri carissimi d'Italia, il vero cuore del patrimonio del Patriarcato Imperiale, Noi impariamo la Nostra benedizione speciale. Questo Natale, siamo premuroso soprattutto dei luoghi santi del Nostro patrimonio in Italia, specialmente a Firenze, Roma, ed Aquileia. Possa Dio Onnipotente conferire le Sue benedizioni al popolo d'Italia nel prossimo anno e per sempre. 

También damos un saludo especial y una bendición a Nuestros más queridos en las tierras hispanohablantes. Es a través de la obra de los de herencia española que la luz de Cristo se extendió a gran parte del mundo. De hecho, estamos muy orgulloso de ser el heredero en la Italia Imperial de dos grandes casas españolas. Que Dios Omnipotent os conceda Sus bendiciones a cada uno de vosotros en el año proximo y por siempre. 

Returning to the notion of tradition, We then call to mind the rich and incredibly diverse ancient patrimony that the modern Imperial Patriarchate is called upon by its sacred duty to live, maintain, and perpetuate in the modern world. As ecclesiastical successors to the temporal patrimony of Pope Leo X, the city of Florence, our titular seat in the Church of St. Stephen al Ponte in Florence, and our titular residence in Rome that once were the apartments of Leo are of particular importance and are quite dear to Us. Similarly, the ancient and the sovereign Patriarchate of Aquileia not only is within Our patrimony, but is also the source of many of our traditions and customs. 

Brethren in Christ, we are called to perpetuate the traditions of Christ and His Holy Church in the world, even in this modern period. We must do so courageously, honourably, and without apology, always remembering that all that we do in the world must be rooted in the faith of Christ and flow from the Sacrifice upon the altar. 

Now, We impart our apostolic blessing on each of you that you may have a joyous Christmas season and a beneficial and productive new year, ever growing in the faith of Christ.

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Ancient Imperial Patriarchate of Aquileia shares history with the modern Anglo-Italian Imperial Patriarchate

St. Paulinus II,
Patriarch of Aquileia
PATRIARCHAL SEE 18 December 2019 (ORCNS) - The Imperial Patriarchate and Apostolic See of Aquileia is an ancient part of the patrimony in Imperial Italy of the Anglo-Italian Imperial Patriarchate. Many of the privileges and traditions of the modern Imperial Patriarchate relate to ancient customs, privileges, and traditions of the Imperial Patriarchate of Aquileia. 

Located in the extreme northeast part of the Imperial Kingdom of Italy, it's territory today spans the northeast part of Italy and parts of Austria, Slovenia, and Croatia. The broad territory was and is known as Friuli and at times constituted a secular state. As a diocese, it was founded by St. Mark the Evangelist, who was sent to the area by St. Peter the Apostle. After the fall of the Western Roman Empire, the eventual conquest of Italy by the Lombards and the subsequent conquest of the Lombard Kingdom of Italy by Charlemagne led to the Patriarchate becoming a state within the Holy Roman Empire. The Anglo-Italian Imperial Patriarchate today is the heir to the Burgundian House of Arles and of the Spanish Houses of Ivrea and Barcelona in Imperial Italy. Those houses ruled the kingdom of Italy itself as a king or vice-King and also ruled several of the southern Italian states. One such monarch, Bosone, Margrave of Tuscany, interceded on the behalf of the Patriarchate of Aquileia in 931. Also, Berengar II of Ivrea, King of Italy, in addition to being a descendant of Charlemagne, was the son of Gisela of Friuli, the daughter of Berengar I, Margrave of Friuli and King of Italy. Berengar II himself was also Margrave of Friuli. From there it remained a secular territory of the Holy Roman Empire until it was ceded to the Patriarch of Aquileia in 1077. 
Don Giovanni Grimani,
Patriarch of Aquileia in the
distinctive patriarchal habit
resembling that of the Pope.
The Patriarch of Aquileia enjoyed the Imperial titles of Count and Prince-Bishop and was a monarch in every way. The Republic of Venice eventually became their most troublesome arrival, and in 1411 there was a war that resulted in the end of the Patriarchate in 1433. The territories of the Patriarchate were then ruled by the Venetians.

Don Bertholdus, Patriarch
of Aquileia, in red-trimmed
white habit and
white mozzetta
The highly-privileged Imperial Patriarchs of Aquileia enjoyed many privileges. As patriarchs, they were entitled to red vesture of a style similar to the Pope. They often used a red velvet mozzetta, but without the fur trim found on that of the Pope. Their periodic use of a white habit with red trim and a fur mozzetta may be seen today in the red-trimmed white cassock used by the Anglo-Italian Imperial Patriarch and his fur mozzetta used during the winter half-year. They also used the temporal symbols of authority, including the orb – which remains part of the state regalia of the Anglo-Italian Imperial Patriarchate today.

Don Paulinus, Cardinal Patriarch of
Aquileia is seen in the centre in
fur mozzetta and red galero
Also, the Patriarchate of Aquileia periodically held a special mass called the Mass of the Sword. During that mass, the deacon wears a special helmet and gives specific salutes with a sword. A similar mass is part of the traditional ceremonial of the modern Imperial Patriarchate.

The modern Imperial Patriarchate in memory of St. Stephen stands as an example of continuity with all the elements of its rich and diverse heritage. The ancient Imperial Patriarchate of Aquileia is an important part of that heritage. 

Monday, December 16, 2019

The Chevalier Kenneth Kittelberger, Papal Knight, Scouting Leader, Dies at age 81, Leaves Legacy of Service to Others

The Chevalier Kenneth
Kittelberger, GCSG
WALTER REED 16 December 2019 (ORCNS) - The Chevalier Kenneth F. Kittelberger was born 20 February 1938 and died 14 December 2019 at Walter Reed Army Medical Center, USA. A papal knight and international Scouting leader, he leaves behind a legacy of Christian service to others. In addition to other memorials and liturgy, a requiem mass will be celebrated by his friend and fellow Scout leader HIRH Cardinal Don Rutherford, Archprince-Bishop of St. Stephen.

Chev. Kittelberger became an Eagle Scout in Webster, NY, in 1952. In 1975, he was appointed as a Chapter Advisor in Black Eagle Lodge, the lodge of American Scouting's honor society, the Order of the Arrow located in the Transatlantic Council. He soon discovered that the Chapter membership roster was very out of date. Through his meticulous efforts, he spent many hours updating and computerizing lodge records. In 1976, Ken became Black Eagle Lodge Advisor. Although he faced many obstacles common to an overseas OA Lodge, where membership generally changed every 3 years due to families rotating to and from overseas, he was successful in getting the ball rolling.

When he returned to the United States in 1978, Chev. Kittelberger started to accumulate memorabilia issued by Black Eagle Lodge, even deciding to write a book in 2002 depicting every known issue from the Lodge and Chapters since 1952. He updated the book in 2015, including 148 pages, with 133 in color depicting 410 patches, neckerchiefs, and pins. For each item, he included a brief history of the activity and any other information he could verify. His work was the first, most accurate history of the Lodge and Lodge issues, forming the basis of several other histories and data published among collectors.

Chev. Kittelberger was also one of the foremost historians on the Baden Powell family; having known various family members and written many manuscripts about BP. Much of his work was used as a reference by the British Scout Association, according to archivists there.

A retired military officer and NASA contractor, Chev. Kittelberger lived in Maryland for the past 36 years. He was active in the Baltimore Council and retained his membership in Black Eagle Lodge, becoming one of the few brothers named an honorary Life Member. He held many awards including the NESA Outstanding Eagle Scout Award, and the Silver Beaver Award.

Chev. Kittelberger was also named a Knight Grand Cross, Pontifical Equestrian Order of St. Gregory the Great and was a member of the College of Papal Knights. He was a Baden-Powell Fellow of the World Scout Foundation. In 1991 was named a NASA Manned Space Flight Honoree.

Chev. Kittelberger's legacy lives on in many other ways, including his Eagle Scout son and grandson, and his many significant donations to various Scouting Museums, such as The BSA Museum, The Ottawa (IL) Scouting Museum, the World of Scouting Museum, and Gilwell, England.  

Saturday, December 14, 2019

Painting Details Imperial Patriarchate History, Past and Present

PATRIARCHAL SEE 14 December 2019 (ORCNS) - A new painting by a priest of the Imperial Patriarchate, entitled “The Continuation of the Imperial Patriarchate,” details the ancient and modern history of the Anglo-Italian Imperial Patriarchate in memory of St. Stephen. The painting features the founding fathers of the Imperial Patriarchate’s patrimony, as well as the modern heads of the titular patriarchal states.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Patriarchal Encyclical on "Pachamama" and Idolatry

PATRIARCHAL SEE 13 November 2019 (ORCNS) - HIRH Don Rutherford, Florentine Archfather, issued the following Patriarchal encyclical in response to recent issues of pagan idols at the Vatican. 


Praelatus Ecclesiae Debent Contra Idola Esse 
Patriarchal Encyclical on Pachamama in the Vatican and General Idolatry in the Holy Church
On the Feast of Saint Didacus, Confessor 
13 November A.D. 2019 

The prelates of the Church must be against idols. That indeed should not have to be said now or ever. Yet, the recent apparent veneration of the pagan idol of Pachamana and use of such pagan idols in the Vatican, including by the Pope, necessitates that we fulfill Our sacred duty to protect, safeguard, and perpetuate the Holy Gospels and the Faith of Jesus Christ. We in Our office, as ecclesiastical successor to the temporal patrimony of Pope Leo X, with Our Roman titular seat in the Stanze di Raffaello in the Holy See and Our titular Roman Catholic church of Santa Maria Antiqua, would fail in Our most sacred duty and obligation, even in the Eternal City to which Our patrimony is so deeply rooted and perpetually connected, if We did not speak clearly and plainly, both to those directly entrusted to Our spiritual oversight and to others of the Christian faithful.
Saint Didacus

At the recent Amazonian Synod, statues of Pachamama, a pagan idol of the indigenous peoples of the Andes, were introduced in the Vatican and used in inappropriate ways in a Christian Church. That included but was not limited to a blessing by the Holy Father himself of at least one such idol. Although pagan imagery may legitimately be kept or displayed in museum settings as examples of art, ancient culture, etc., it may in no way and at no time be kept or displayed by the Christian faithful in any way that might indicate approbation of them, official or otherwise, or that would constitute veneration or could be inferred to constitute veneration. This is even more applicable to the worldwide hierarchy of the Church, for it is to us to whom the faithful look for guidance. If the shepherd does not teach his flock the difference between safe pasture and a perilous cliff, then it can hardly be a surprise when the flock falls off that cliff. Such is the grave responsibility of the shepherd.

We, therefore, call upon the faithful in all communities to join together in acts of spiritual reparation for this atrocity committed in the Vatican and to pray for the conversion of all who participated in such events. We look particularly to Saint Didacus of Alcalá, whose feast we celebrate today, for guidance and intervention. Born in Seville, he was a Franciscan whose ministry involved helping to bring the indigenous people of the Canary Islands to the saving light and love of Our Lord. We further call upon the faithful in all communities to pray for the Holy Father, all prelates of the Holy Church, and all clergy around the world.

Monday, October 21, 2019

The Florentine Triple Cross - A Flag of History in the Modern Era

PATRIARCHAL SEE 21 October 2019 (ORCNS) - The Florentine Triple Cross is one of the official flags of the Anglo-Italian Imperial Patriarchate. It is also sometimes known as the "military flag" of the Patriarchate since it is the flag used by the Walsingham Guard, the Patriarchate's  humanitarian wing with a military heritage dating back to the Crusades. The Florentine Triple Cross, similar to the other flags of the Patriarchate, helps to tell its rich and ancient history.

The Florentine Triple Cross flag
It is called the "Triple Cross" because of the three crosses superimposed on each other. First is the red cross of St. Stephen in the centre, which refers to the celestial patron of the Imperial Patriarchate, St. Stephen the Deacon and Protomartyr. That cross, with origins in Florence, is found in much of the symbolism of the Patriarchate.

Next is the red St. George's cross of Barcelona. That refers to the County of Barcelona, which represents the convergence of the Burgundian House of Arles and the Spanish Houses of Ivrea and Barcelona to which the Imperial Patriarchate is heir in the Imperial Italy. Ivrea, located in northwest Italy, was the seat of the House of Ivrea, which was also of Burgundian origin and ruled as Kings of Italy along with their relatives, the Burgundian House of Arles. Pope Leo X, of whom the Imperial Patriarchate is heir and successor, also descended from the House of Arles. From Italy and Burgundy, a branch of the House of Ivrea obtained the Kingdom of Castile y León and Empire of All Spain through marriage.

The coat of arms of Barcelona,
showing the St. George's cross
quartered with the arms of Aragón.
Barcelona is also significant to the heritage of the County of Sainte Animie, the personal title of the Archprince of St. Stephen and Imperial Patriarch in descent from Gévaudan in the Merovingian dynasty. The County of Gévaudan (also descended from the Burgundian House of Arles), where Sainte Animie is located, eventually passed to the Counts of Barcelona. They then became united through marriage to the crowns of Aragón and Castile y León, bringing together the houses of Arles, Ivrea, and Barcelona. (For more on that heritage, please see this article and this article.)

Burgundian Cross flag
The third cross in the triple cross is a white rotated Burgundian cross. The historic Burgundian cross, which formed a military flag of the Spanish Army and also served as the flag of the Spanish Empire, was a red St. Andrew's cross "ragully" (jagged) on a white field. (The St. Andrew's cross is in the form of an X is in memory of the cross on which St. Andrew the Apostle was crucified.) It came to Spain from the Duchy of Burgundy. In the Florentine Triple Cross flag, it is rotated 45 degrees to be in the same orientation as the St. George Cross. 

The diocesan coat of arms
of the See of St. Stephen
Lastly, the three crosses are on a blue field representing Our Lady of Walsingham the Patroness of the Patriarchal Household of the Anglo-Italian Imperial Patriarchate. A white cross on a blue field also evokes an image of the diocesan arms of the See of St. Stephen, and white-on-blue similarly corresponds to the colours of the coat of arms of the Archprince of St. Stephen. Also, the red St. George's cross on a white field is the coat of arms of the Electorate of Trier in the Holy Roman Empire, which is part of the patrimony of the Patriarchate, and also is the inverse of the coat of arms of the ancient Roman Catholic See of Utrecht, from which the Imperial Patriarchate's Roman Catholic Apostolic Succession derives.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Te Deum - Celebration of the Merovingium Dynasty

BUENOS AIRES 17 October 2019 (ORCNS) - A solemn ecumenical rite was a celebrated and the Te Deum was offered on the evening of Sunday, 13 October 2019. These special rites were part of the celebrations of the 50th birthday of HMERH Don Rubén Gavaldá y Castro, Count of Gévaudan, Prince of Septimania, head of the Royal Merovingian House of David-Toulouse-Gévaudan. 

(...continued below...)
The solemn ecumenical rite
The Te Deum was celebrated by H.G. Bishop Rodrigues,
titular Bishop of the See of St. Stephen

The solemn ecumenical rite was jointly celebrated by H.E. Manuel Adolfo Acuña, Charismatic Lutheran Bishop and Msgr. Alberto Palavecino of the Archbishopric of Exaltation of the Cross. The Te Deum was said in the traditional Catholic form of the Imperial Patriarchate. It was led by His Grace the Most Reverend Alejandro Paulo Rodrigues, titular Bishop of the See of St. Stephen, Anglo-Italian Imperial Patriarchate (Anglican Rite Roman Catholic Church). There were more than a hundred people present, and a large number of additional people were able to follow the event by live streaming. H.G. Bishop Rodrigues also served as personal representative of H.H.E. Don Rutherford, Count of Sainte Animie, Florentine Archfather, who was unable to attend. 

Over 100 people attended the birthday celebrations,
with many more viewing remotely by live-streaming

Monday, October 14, 2019

Merovingian Dynasty - 50th Birthday of HMERH the Count of Gévaudan, Prince of Septimania

BUENOS AIRES 14 October 2019 (ORCNS) - This October marks the 50th birthday of HMERH Don Rubén Gavaldá, Count of Gévaudan, Prince of Septimania, head of the Merovingian French dynasty. The Count is active in the promotion of Merovingian and Occitan cultural studies and also not only teaches popular courses in ceremonies and etiquette, but is a regular consultant on those topics with Argentinian television. Furthermore, Don Rubén is a highly-active in worldwide charitable endeavours. Ceremonies marking this milestone birthday were held in Buenos Aires, with representatives of the Imperial Patriarchate present.

HMERH Don Rubén, Count of Gévaudan,
Prince of Septimania on the occasion of
his 50th birthday. On the left of his jacket
is the insignia of the Legion of the Eagle.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

The Tradition and Etiquette of Calling Cards

10 October 2019 (ORCNS) - The calling card, or visiting card as it is sometimes known, is almost a lost custom in modern society. Yet, like the oaks that have seen kings and wars and plagues come and go, the calling card refuses to die. The calling card, distinct from the business card, is left when paying social calls. It has quite a few other uses that are part of its centuries-old tradition as well. Even in today’s rushed, sterile society…
and perhaps even more so because of the modern hurried, faceless environment…the calling card remains the mark of a lady or gentleman of class and distinction. To use calling cards is to have self-respect and respect for others. It is a reminder to those you encounter that you are thinking of them, despite your busy life. No lady or gentleman should leave the house without calling cards.

On a business card, one normally sees the name of the company, perhaps a logo, the individual’s name, and a full array of contact information. By comparison, the calling card is quite plain. Most traditionally, cards are white, with the name printed in black ink in block text or a script (rarely if ever should “Old English” or overly fancy fonts be used). There ends the required inclusions. Some sort of small heraldic emblem may optionally be placed in the corner or the top center. An address may be put in the bottom right corner, but this is not obligatory and typically superfluous. Telephone numbers and email addresses ought also to be avoided, but especially today they are often included. Most traditionally, an individual writes the address or telephone or internet information by hand at the time that the card is presented…and only when those pieces of information are needed. In any case, the bottom left should be left blank.

Style of the Name on the Calling Card

A calling card should indicate how you should be introduced by, for example, a butler or valet. So, names should be written out in full. Middle names may be omitted or abbreviated as needed. Other than Mr. and Mrs., titles should be spelled out except where space is a concern. For nobles and royals with styles such as Excellency, and Highness, these are typically omitted, as they are generally “implied” by what is on the card.

Boys who do not have titles of nobility simply have their name inscribed in the center of the card. They may adopt “Mr.” upon reaching the age of majority. Girls who do not have a title of nobility use “Miss” until they marry. The modern female business title of “Ms.” has no place on a social calling card.

Married women of gentlemen have their names inscribed as “Mrs.” followed by the full name of their husband. The possible variations for the wives of knights and nobles are too numerous to discuss in detail here. However, a good rule of thumb is that the wife’s card follows the same general style of the husband’s. This varies by the customs of the country of origin of the title and should generally not vary according to the country of residence or visitation.

Names should also never exceed a single line. Titles and, on occasion, offices such as Mayor or Governor may be written on another line or lines below the name as needed. Ultimately good taste and functionality determine the final layout of the card.

Exceptions exist, of course. For example, U.S. military officers, who are often expected to have calling cards, have a specific set of rules to follow. For junior officers, the name is in the center of the card, with the rank and branch of the service in the bottom right. For senior officers, the rank is placed before the name on the same line, with the branch in the bottom right. General and Flag officers may write “General” or “Admiral” with only their last name in the center of the card if they choose.

Joint Spouse Calling Cards

Married couples may also have calling cards. These may be used, along with the couple’s individual cards, when paying a formal visit. The joint card may also be used for gift enclosures. Joint cards are inscribed as “Mr. and Mrs. John Smith” or in a similar fashion for those with noble titles.

Use of Calling Cards

Calling cards are used, of course, when paying a formal call on someone. In the most formal circumstances, an attendant will take the card of the visitor to the host. It is also used to announce the visitor. When the host is not at home (which may mean simply “not receiving visitors”), a calling card says “I was here.”

When one receives an invitation that did not say r.s.v.p. or have a reply card, and one cannot attend, it is customary and polite to send one’s calling card by post to arrive on the day of the event or shortly before.

Cards may also be used as gift enclosures, to express condolences, or to give congratulations. They can also be used to convey information or to send/leave very brief notes.

In cases where one is leaving a card for a good friend with whom one is on a first name basis, one may cross out the parts of the name on the calling card except for the first name. Or, if there is a nickname, the entire name can be crossed out and the nickname written by hand above it. This is by no means obligatory. Notes may also be written on the front and/or back of the card.

Those Curious Initials in the
Bottom Left Corner

To make communication easier, a system of abbreviations in French developed over the years. These are written by hand in the bottom left corner of the card…which is why that corner should always be left blank in the printing process!

p.r. (pour remercier) 
To indicate thanks. (Should never take the place of a proper letter/note of thanks.)

p.f. (pour feliciter) 
To express congratulations.

p.c. (pour condoler) 
To express sympathy.

p.p.c. (pour prendre congé) 
Used when taking leave for the season or permanently. Though these may be left or sent as an advance notice, they should never be used solely in place of a formal call.

p.p. (pour presenter) 
To present another person. This should be accompanied by the card
of the person being presented.

To wish a Happy New Year.

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

The Church and the Death Penalty -- Modern & Historical

8 October 2019 (ORCNS) - The death penalty is certainly a controversial topic in Catholicism today. Unlike some issues, though, there is actually plenty of room for disagreement. Good Catholics may hold divergent views on this topic as long as they are well-grounded in doctrine and theology, with a love of humanity in the model of Christ. As Pope St. John Paul II expressed, there is little if any actual need for the death penalty today. However, this was not always the practice of the Church during the different circumstances that existed in the past. Though obviously no element of the Church today imposes a death sentence, it was a different matter in earlier periods of Church history.

Reigning from the late 1800s to just after the turn of the 20th century, Pope Leo XIII stated that the church possessed the right to impose the death penalty and that it was just to impose it for offenses such as spreading heresies, for the damage to the soul is by far greater than anything a murderer could ever do. However, Leo also made it clear that the Church in her mercy, following the example of Christ, does not actually impose such a penalty or promote it being imposed. That was just over 100 years in the past, which, in the span of Church history, is not that long ago. Even with Leo's justification of the death penalty as a right of the Church, it was clear that its ultimate purpose was for the good of souls, and it was further made very clear that the Holy Church is merciful and would not and should not actually impose such a penalty or promote it being imposed.
Torquemada, Grand Inquisitor

Earlier in church history came an institution that enemies of the church, Protestants, and indeed modern society have all continually slandered. Truly, the Spanish Inquisition is the subject of much "fake news," both centuries ago and still to this day. If one actually considers the reality of what the Grand Inquisitor Tomás de Torquemada actually did, it paints a different picture. He was in fact known as a man of great piety and caring for others, and he softened the whole interrogation method so that it was quite mild by the standards of the day. And, the conditions of interrogation were highly controlled and limited, unlike those of the civil state. As Blessed Fulton Sheen pointed out some years ago, the church has vices, but at any given time in history, the church's vices are far better and far better meaning than those of the civil state. 

In the case of the Inquisition, the death sentence was only ever imposed for repeat offenders. When they were at the stake, they were given the chance to repent. If they did, they were immediately strangled. That seems certainly harsh to modern ears, but at the time the point was to prevent them from being able to sin again, thereby helping to ensure their salvation. Only if they did not repent were they then burned at the stake – but even that had its spiritual purpose. The hope of those at that time was that the flames would give them a picture of the flames of hell, thereby prompting a last-minute repentance before actual moment of death. Of course, this seems surely thoroughly odd to most modern ears, but it is not right to judge another age by the standards of this age. The Church, of course, promotes salvation and repentance exclusively through non-violent means now. 

Throughout the Church is history, even when a death sentence was involved, whether related to the Church or criminal proceedings of the civil state, the Church was far more interested in the condition of souls and in mercy than in the laws of man. Today that same sentiment remains, following the example of Christ.

Monday, October 7, 2019

Argentinean Bishop of the Patriarchal Household - Obispo de la Casa Patriarcal en Argentina

BUENOS AIRES 7 October 2019 (ORCNS) - Su Excelencia Monseñor Alejandro Paulo Rodrigues, Obispo de San Fernando en Buenos Aires, fue nombrado Obispo titular de la Casa Patriarcal por Su Alteza Imperial y Real Don Rutherford, Archipríncipe de San Esteban más temprano de este año. El Obispo tiene un ministerio activo con sede en Buenos Aires, Argentina, al servicio de los pobres y los necesitados. A continuación se presentan fotografías de una ordenación a las órdenes menores de varios de sus seminaristas.

His Excellency Monsignor Alejandro Paulo Rodrigues, Bishop of San Fernando in Buenos Aires, was named a titular bishop of the Patriarchal Household by His Imperial and Royal Highness Don Rutherford, Archprince of St. Stephen earlier this year. The Bishop has an active ministry based in Buenos Aires, Argentina, serving the poor and those in need. Below are photographs from an earlier ordination to the Minor Orders of several of his seminarians.

Mons. Rodrigues

Thursday, October 3, 2019

Archprince-Bishop Speaks About World War I at Gandhi 150th Birthday Celebration

3 October 2019 (ORCNS) - The second of October, the feast of the Holy Guardian Angels in the Catholic liturgical calendar, is also the birthday of Mahatma Gandhi and celebrated worldwide as the International Day of Nonviolence. This year marks the 150th birthday celebration of the Indian civil rights leader. At an event held at the University of Minnesota Crookston, Cardinal-Count Don Rutherford I, Archprince-Bishop and Imperial Patriarch gave an invited speech on the application of Gandhi's principle of nonviolence to analyse the origins and potential alternative outcomes of the Great War (otherwise known as World War I) had nonviolent approaches been used. The live recording of the speech is provided below.

Tuesday, October 1, 2019

The Anglo-Italian Imperial Patriarchate and the Discovery of the New World

Servant of God Isabella the Catholic
The discovery of the New World by Christopher Columbus under charter from Ferdinand and Isabella of Spain, whether or not others from outside the Americas may have arrived first, was ultimately responsible for the eventual trade and interaction between Europe and the Americas. It quickly became an oceanic version of the Silk Road, allowing for the trade of goods, the flow of money, and the exchange of ideas. 

Chief among the goals of the Most Catholic Monarchy of Spain and of the Papacy was to bring the Catholic Faith to the peoples of the New World. The results of the interaction of Europe with the New World may not have been perfect, but truly the same can be said about interactions between people in Europe, as well as those that existed in the Americas before the arrival of the Europeans - and even those that take place around the world to this day. Though its consequences are still being debated to this day, it is indisputable that the voyages of Columbus and subsequent voyages of discovery changed the world forever. They helped to solidify the Renaissance and its establishment of the modern era and supported the launch  into the Baroque and ever-new eras of growth, discovery, and advancement.
Ferdinand the Catholic

The Imperial Patriarchate, as heir to the Burgundian House of Arles and the Spanish Houses of Ivrea and Barcelona in Imperial Italy, maintains a special historical link to the discovery of the New World. Isabella of Castile y León was of the House of Trastámara, an illegitimate but recognised branch of the House of Ivrea. The House of Ivrea was ultimately of ancient Burgundian origin and ruled parts of Italy and provided several Kings of Italy in the Holy Roman Empire. It was also descended from the House of Arles in Burgundy, which provided rulers of various parts of Italy, and Kings of Italy and Vice-Kings of Italy and the Holy Roman Empire. Bosone of Arles, King of Lower Burgundy and Vice-King of Italy, one of the founding fathers of the heritage of the Imperial Patriarchate, was an important figure in that line. From Italy and Burgundy, they went to Spain and ruled as Kings of Castile y León an
Christopher Columbus
d Emperors of All Spain.

The marriage of Isabella with Ferdinand of Aragón once again united the Spanish territories. Ferdinand, as King of Aragón, was descended via a female line from the House of Barcelona line of Kings of Aragón, which also had been Counts of Gévaudan in Occitania in modern-day France. James I, King of Aragón sold the title to King St. Louis IX of France, and the shortly thereafter the title passed to the Bishops of Mende, who ruled as Count-Bishops until the title went into abeyance at the French Revolution. The title of Count of Gévaudan today is held by the head of the Merovingian House of David-Toulouse-Gévaudan, while the title of Count of Sainte Animie, which is located in Gévaudan, is held by the Anglo-Italian Imperial Patriarch.

The successors of the Burgundian House of Arles and the Spanish Houses of Ivrea and Barcelona in Imperial Italy continue today as the Imperial Patriarchate, perpetuating faith and heritage in Italy, Germany, France, Spain, and the New World. Centuries earlier, the successors of the Houses of Ivrea, Arles, and Barcelona in Spain, Ferdinand and Isabella, launched the expedition of discovery that found the New World and ultimately led to the New World being opened up to Europe. Pope Leo X, principal founder of the heritage of the Imperial Patriarchate, was a keen supporter of the early age of discovery. It was the beginning of a new global network that continues to expand today. Indeed, thanks to their legacy, the global ministry of the Imperial Patriarchate spans not only its historic European territory, but also North and South America.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

The Most Honourable Legion of the Eagle – Over Two Thousand Years of History

PATRIARCHAL SEE 19 Sept. 2019 (ORCNS) - The seniormost of the religious and the dynastic orders of the Anglo-Italian Imperial Patriarchate is the Most Honourable Legion of the Eagle. With roots in a Roman Legion founded by Julius Caesar, the Legion of today enjoys over 2000 years of rich history. This year, 2019, the Legion celebrates the 2060th anniversary of the first reestablishment of the Legion by Caesar Augustus. The Most Honourable Legion of the Eagle was again re-established under the blessing of Pope St. John Paul II as a noble company by the Etrurian household and a group of Papal knights as a successor to the ancient Roman Legion of the Eagle. Its second re-establishment took place in 1996 on the 900th anniversary of the First Crusade. The modern Legion is the original and sole legitimate successor to the Roman "Legion of the Eagle" (Legio IX Hispana) as a Christian Order.

Chapel of Pope St. John Paul II in the Basilica of
St. Peter, Vatican during a visit of the Archprince-Bishop
of St. Stephen, Sovereign of the Legion of the Eagle.
The original "Legion of the Eagle" was a military unit of the Roman Empire tasked with defending the Empire against the barbarians and refers to the Legio IX Hispana (Spanish Legion), which was founded by Julius Caesar and re-activated by Caesar Augustus. It served mainly in
Julius Caesar
Founder of the original
Legion of the Eagle, the
IX Spanish Legion
Spain, Britain, and Germany. Their principal headquarters became York, and their mascot was the eagle. They earned their name, Hispana (Hispanic), during the Cantabrian Wars in Spain. Its Spanish home is León, its Germanic home is Speyer in the historic Duchy of Franconia, and its Italian home is Aquilea in the historic sovereign Patriarchate of Aquilea in Imperial Italy. The patron saint of the Legion is Saint Patrick, the British Roman best known as Apostle to the Irish.

Caesar Augustus

Through the gift of Emperor Constantine the Great, the Roman Church became heir and successor to the Roman Empire. The Christian knights defended the Church, in part through the Crusades against the infidels. The Most Honourable Legion of the Eagle is under the patronage of the Anglo-Italian Imperial Patriarchate (Anglican Rite Roman Catholic Church) and the leadership of the Etrurian Royal Household. Membership is limited to 10 Companions of Honour, in addition to the Companions of Justice (hereditary), and no more than 15 Supernumerary Companions (ad honorem). Companions are generally required to be Catholic and of noble lineage and to have rendered significant service at a high level to the Church or to humanity in general. Companions in all categories are considered honourary cousins to the Archprince-Bishop of St. Stephen. 

Symbolism plays an important role in the Catholic Faith. These symbols help us to encounter, engage, and learn about our Faith. Nowhere is this greater than in the Holy Mass. Religious societies and orders also make much of symbolism, some of which are rooted deeply in antiquity. The insignia is known for its two-tone gold and silver design. Gold is used to represent the eternal light of Christ, and silver is used to represent purity and Evangelism (Psalm 11.7 "The words of the Lord are pure words: as silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times.")

Top Left: Greater Eagle badge
Bottom Left: Bullion star of the Legion
Right: Cordon with Lesser Eagle badge

The greater badge consists of a gold eagle, symbolic of the divine nature of Christ, pendant from a gold filigree and a lapis lazuli stone (known for its Marian symbolism). It is worn suspended from a royal blue neck ribbon. The lesser badge is worn suspended from a royal blue sash and consists of a blue cross with a gold eagle upon a red stone, together representing a stylised form of the aquila and standard of a Roman Legion. Companions of Justice also have a collar for wear with the church habit consisting of similar badge worn suspended from two gold chains upon a red ribbon with royal blue borders.
Eagle miniature badge, a combination
of the Greater & Lesser Eagle badges,
is the standard form of the insignia
typically worn by Companions.

The star badge of the Legion (depicted above) is gold of eight point, with a central starburst of twelve points, coming from the twelve stars in Marian symbology. The five stars represent the five wounds of Christ. This symbolism is continued in the 5-pointed version of the star worn on the Legion's church cape. The motto is "Honor Virtutis Praemium," which translates as "Honor is the prize for virtue." 

ARRCC Chaplain Participates in Emergency Response Drills at Airport

LEXINGTON, SC. 19 Sept. 2019 (ORCNS) - Walsingham Guard Commandant of the Regiment of Chaplains, Mgr. Abbot Anthony Giunta, TOR Mar, PhD, JCD recently participated in a series of emergency services exercises. The drills were designed to help first responders hone there skills for dealing with critical incidents such as a plane crash. The event was held at Columbia Metropolitan Airport in South Carolina, USA, and was staged as a friendly test between the emergency services of Richland and Lexington counties. Participants included representatives of police departments, fire departments, emergency medical services, the Red Cross, and chaplain services. Abbot Anthony, a Franciscan with the Anglican Rite Roman Catholic Church, also serves as a chaplain with the Irmo fire district in Columbia, South Carolina, as well as with police and hospitals.