Saturday, January 2, 2021

New Year Message from the Grand Master

Noble Company 1 January 2020 (ORCNS) 

New Year Message from
the Grand Master
of the Noble Company
of St. Mary of Walsingham

2020 may never be confused as one of the best year’s for mankind; however, we can finally bid it a fond adieu. 

As challenges from COVID,  earthquakes, tsunamis, misfortune manmade or natural continued to occur; these events presented hardships and difficulties for humanity as a whole. However, 2020 has finally ended! 

Though the wake won't suddenly and magically improve at the stroke of midnight as we celebrate 2021. We now have the chance to allow the adversities faced in 2020 to fade into the twilight and cast our look forward in positivity and witness the glow from the Light to come this of New Year.

We, the Noble Company, will embrace the upcoming year, with the promise to leave behind negativity and vow to not let these challenges affect us in fulfillment of the Noble cause in the New Year. We move forward entirely based on a positive note. Leave all these difficulties behind, we face our future and continued good works to achieve a better community and a better world comprised of dreams turned reality and promises delivered. 

Let us dedicate ourselves this year of renewal, as servant leaders in the communities we serve. We can accomplish our Noble calling by our personal acts and work towards leading our future along the righteous path to live our life to the fullest.

Welcome to the New Year of Achievement. 

Welcome to all our Noble Companions. 

Ranulfus GM