Saturday, October 5, 2013

Fr. Anthony Giunta continues animal blessing tradition

COLUMBIA S.C. 4 October 2013 (ORCNS) - The Very Rev. Anthony Giunta, TOR Mar., a priest of the Anglican Rite Roman Catholic Church, continued the centuries-old tradition of blessing animals on the Feast of Saint Francis of Assisi. (Who does't know and love the images of St. Francis surrounded by animals?)

Fr. Giunta is a former police officer and now a police chaplain, so it is no surprise that the blessing was held at the Columbia Police Department. After all the animals were blessed, a reception was held at police headquarters. This is a particularly special blessing for Fr. Giunta, because he is a Franciscan, the order founded by Saint Francis of Assisi himself.

Video of the Blessing (WISTV Columbia, SC)