In his brief homily the Holy Father explained to those present that Mary and Joseph took Jesus to the temple forty days after His birth to present Him to God, just as today parents take their children to receive Baptism and to receive the faith as they show in their reply to the question at the beginning of the rite. "In this way, faith is transmitted from one generation to another, like a chain through time. These boys, these girls, over the years, will take your place with their children, your grandchildren, and they too will ask for faith. The faith that is given in Baptism, the faith that the Holy Spirit brings today to the heart, the soul and the life of these children of yours".
"You have ask for faith. The Church, when she gives you the lighted candle, will tell you to safeguard the faith in these children. And, in the end, do not forget that the greatest legacy you can give your children is faith. Take care that it is not lost, to make it grow and to leave it as a legacy. This I wish to you today, on this day that is joyful for you: I hope that you will be able to raise these children in faith and that the greatest legacy they will receive from you will be faith".
The Pope concluded by commenting that when a baby cries it may be because he or she is hungry, and so he invited mothers to feel free to feed their babies in the Sistine Chapel if necessary.
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