Friday, March 27, 2020

Via Crucis to End Pandemic

Magistral Chapel of the
Grand Master, location
of the Via Crucis recitation.
BUENOS AIRES 27 March 2020 (ORCNS) - The Via Crucis was recited today in Buenos Aires for the end of the global pandemic. The event was hosted by the Order of Our Lady of Buenos Aires and led by the Grand Master, HMERH Don Rubén de Gavaldá, Count of Gévaudan, Crown Cardinal of France. HHE Don Rutherford I, Florentine Archfather and Cardinal Count of Sainte Animie, gave the initial reflection in Spanish remotely. The text is below:

En esta Cuaresma estamos en un tiempo en el que muchos sufren de enfermedades. Está, por cierto, el coronavirus COVID-19, pero no debemos olvidar a las muchas, muchas personas que sufren por el gran número de enfermedades infecciosas y otras enfermedades en el mundo. Oremos por todos ellos y, en este tiempo de cuarentena, ofrezcamos actos de caridad para los necesitados. Recordemos las palabras de nuestro Señor, No temas.

Translation in English:
In this Lent we are at a time when many suffer from diseases. There is, by the way, coronavirus COVID-19, but we must not forget the many, many people who suffer from the large number of infectious diseases and other diseases in the world. Let us pray for all of them and, in this time of quarantine, offer acts of charity for those in need. Let us remember the words of our Lord, fear not.

The Facebook group for the event, with video, is available here: