FIRENZE-NUOVA ROMA 23 August 2020 (ORCNS) -- The Reverend Brother Elliott Francis, TOR Mar was ordained to the minor orders of Lector, Exorcist, and Acolyte and further to the Sub-Diaconate yesterday. The rites were officiated by H.H.E. the Archfather and took place in his private chapel. Brother Elliott is a hospice chaplain and continues with his studies towards the priesthood. He also holds the office of Guardaroba (Wardrobe Master) of the Patriarchal Household and is a veteran of the US Army.
In the Anglo-Roman Rite used by the Anglican Patriarchate (Anglican Rite Roman Catholic Church), the ordination to the orders of Lector and Exorcist involve the laying on of a single hand by the ordaining bishop while imposing the Breviary and a book containing the rites of Exorcism respectively. The ordination to the order of Acolyte involves the laying on of both hands while the ordinand holds an unlit candle in the right hand and an empty cruet in the left. Each object imposed signifies the nature of the ministry of the particular order.
At the ordination to the sub-diaconate, the first Holy Order that serves directly at the altar in the Holy Mass, both hands are laid on by the ordaining bishop, invoking the Holy Spirit. The new sub-deacon receives the amice, alb, maniple, and tunicle, the vestments of the sub-diaconate. The Book of Epistles is also imposed, signifying the right to read the Epistle at the mass. After the ritual, a chalice and paten are presented for the new sub-deacon to touch, signifying his ability to hold the Sacred Vessels. Similarly he is presented two cruets, one with wine and the other with water, and a lavabo basin and towel to touch in further symbolism of the role of the sub-diaconate.
The Archfather ordains Brother Elliott as an Acolyte. |
The Archfather imposes the Book Epistles during the rites of ordination to the sub-diaconate. Brother Elliott is vested in the tunicle and maniple, the vestments of a sub-deacon. |
The Archfather and Brother Elliott after the ordination. |