Monday, September 7, 2020

Legion of the Eagle Consecrated to Christ

Jean DuBois

FIRENZE-NUOVA ROMA 7 September 2020 (ORCNS) -- The Most Honourable Legion of the Eagle, the senior-most religious and dynastic order of the Anglican Patriarchate, was formally consecrated to Our Lord Jesus Christ on 5 September by His Holy Eminence the Archfather Rutherford I. The consecration was formalised in a Patriarchal Constitution entitled "Praeclarissima Legio Aquilae." 

The dedication to Christ has always been a part of the Legion, which is the Christian successor to the IX Spanish Legion, founded by Julius Caesar. The eagle itself represents the divine victory of Christ. The consecration simply formalises this long-standing devotion. As a result, the Feast of Corpus Christi has been declared the principal feast of the Legion. The Feast of the Sacred Heart was also added as an official feast day, along with the already-existing feast of St. Patrick, Bishop and Confessor. 

Also as a result of this consecration, the Legion was granted the augmentation "of Christ" to its name. Thus, though "Legion of the Eagle" remains correct, its full name is the Most Honourable Legion of the Eagle of Christ. 

For more about the Legion of the Eagle, please see:

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