FIRENZE-NUOVA ROMA 10 Maggio 2021 (NRom)
The following are some renderings of ecclesiastical coats of arms done by the Cronista Re d'Armi Italiano Imperiale for some of the members of the Pontifical Court.
H.H.E. the Archfather |
H.M.E.R.H. the Elector of Trier |
H.M.E.R.H. the Crown Cardinal of France |
H.M.E.R.H. the Elector of Mainz |
H.E. Rt. Rev. Monsignor Rodrigues |
H.E. Rt. Rev. Monsignor Palevicino |
H.E. Rt. Rev. Archabbot Anthony |
All images copyright. All rights reserved.
Designs are copyright Cronista Re.
Contents of jurisdictional arms are ecclesiastical copyright.
Contents of personal arms are copyright by the individual.