Wednesday, March 2, 2022

Archfather's Ash Wednesday Statement Speaks of Peace, Reconciliation, Brotherhood

FIRENZE-NUOVA ROMA 02 March 2022 (NRom)

The following statement was made by H.H.E. the Archfather on Ash Wednesday today. 


Carissimi, Christian people around the world, today We wish you a blessed start to the Lenten season. As the world is thrown into the darkness through man’s inhumanity to man, We pray for peace. Although there is one particular conflict that has captured to the world’s attention more than others, there are many places in the world where people are suffering and in danger from warfare.

We urge people to listen to one another and not spread hate, but instead to seek understanding and reconciliation. We urge people to think before they speak and act rather spreading discord, discrimination, harassment, suppression, and oppression. Let us not have brother killing brother. Let us promote love in the example of Christ, even love for our enemies. Let us treat others as we ourselves would like to be treated and consider that people in other countries and all around the world to be the same as us.

Keep these things in your minds and hearts as we move through the Lenten season towards the joy of Easter and the celebration of the Resurrection of our Lord.