His Serene Highness Archbishop Norman Dutton died recently. He was former Metropolitan in the Anglican Episcopal Church and a Capitular Archbishop of the Pontifical Order of St. Stephen (the official name of the Patriarchal Chapter within the Pontifical Court). Archbishop Dutton was not only a devoted shepherd of a worldwide flock of Christian souls, but he was also an international champion of the cause of Christian chivalry and nobility and its relevance in the modern world. While the Western world at large today seems determined to abandon its roots, its customs and traditions, its heritage, and its faith, Archbishop Dutton was determined to keep those ideals alive and work to promote them for future generations. He realised that it was a sacred trust, and it was a duty that he took very seriously.
The Archbishop positively impacted many lives around the world – on every continent except perhaps Antarctica. The worldwide network of knights and nobles he served and in turn inspired them to serve others. This is his true and lasting legacy, for their work will continue in perpetuity.
His Holiness the Papa-Catholicos was deeply saddened by the news of the loss of such a trusted and valued advisor and friend. The Archfather said, "Archbishop Dutton exemplifies the very essence of what it means to be a bishop. Indeed his legacy will live on through the Pontifical Court and the entire Imperial Roman Church."