Friday, July 15, 2022

The Non-Vocation of Hobby Clergy - New Encyclical

 The Non-Vocation of Hobby Clergy

FIRENZE-NUOVA ROMA 15 July 2022 (NRom)

Encyclical, 15 July 2022


     As it always has, the modern world seeks to destroy vocations of the clergy and weaken the church. Thus the bishops to whom the church has been entrusted must constantly guide and admonish the clergy, and above all set a proper example. 

     In recent times, We have seen in many jurisdictions around the world hobby priests and hobby clerics with a skewed understanding of vocation, and We have seen countless other abuses. Military chaplaincies have been among the most affected, with many priests abandoning the examples of their wartime predecessors and, for example, merely wearing a stole over a uniform to celebrate the liturgy rather than wearing the proper prescribed vestments. That is an act in violation of canon law. Such lapses in clerical dress permeate the church as a whole. Lapses such as that are problematic in and of themselves, but furthermore contribute to the decline of personal discipline so essential to any clergyman. Such decline of discipline leads to problems in liturgy, problems in sacraments, problems in theology – all of which weaken the position of the church in the world, and all of which have led to the numerous abuses even in the highest levels of church hierarchy around the world. Much of the Church has abandoned the true faith and tradition so that it is scarcely recognizable today.

     Now, what we wear speaks to what we believe and what we profess. Therefore, We will begin with the importance of clerical vesture. Indeed, clergy must dress according to the manner prescribed by the church. There are options of lay-style dress under certain circumstances permitted under canon law. However, reason and intent are important. If one’s philosophy is to wear clerical attire only within church property or when doing something sacramental, but one would never wear clerical vesture to a store, to a concert, to a restaurant, etc., then the underlying philosophical premise is greatly flawed. If one fails to wear clerical vesture because it may offend another person, even a family member, then the underlying philosophical premise is greatly flawed. 

     To put it simply so that there may be no misunderstanding, the clerical habit is the default and standard dress of all clergy of all grades. This is particularly true of bishops and priests, but equally applicable to other grades as well. All other forms of dress worn by clergy are inherently exceptions and must still be not only in accordance with the long-standing rules of the church, but must meet the standards of proper intent. Where we as clergy may be told by others not to wear what we are bound to wear by our sacred duty, then we are likewise bound by that same sacred duty and the laws of the church either to avoid such places or to wear unambiguous clerical vesture anyway.

     Now, again, what we wear speaks to what we believe and what we profess. This is a problem that leads to the widespread situation across countless jurisdiction of the so-called hobby priest or hobby cleric. A hobby priest does not live his location at all times and all places and forgets that he is indeed a cleric in the One, Holy, Orthodox, Catholic, and Apostolic Church at all times and in all places. There is no true off-duty period for clergyman. Yet even bishops and priests have been known to shirk their duties and hide their vocation. They have forgotten that even one single priest celebrating the mass, the divine liturgy alone does more good for the world and all the heroic acts of mankind throughout history put together. Indeed, no one celebrates the mass alone, for all the angels, seraphim, and saints are there. It is the most powerful force on earth – more powerful than the most awesome weapon created by mankind, and more powerful than the most potent of leaders of civil states. Why, then, would any clergyman with a true vocation want to avoid is sacred duty? Why would he not feel his vocation always and everywhere and wants to live it? There can be no higher personal identity for a cleric other than being a cleric. It must supersede all other aspects of identity always. 

     Those who are hobby priests and hobby clerics either have forgotten their vocation or have no vocation whatsoever. They must look within themselves and pray to Almighty God for assistance in regaining what they have lost. To be a hobby cleric is a slap in the face of Christ to whom the Church is eternally married. If a cleric cannot give up the ways of treating the vocation as a hobby, then he would be better not to be a cleric at all, for to remain is dishonest.

     It is inconceivable that any priest or other cleric with a true vocation could possibly be happy not being involved in the sacramental life of the church, not living his vocation in everything he does, and hiding his vocation from the world, lest he be rejected. Yet, it is better to be rejected by the entirety of the world if one at least pleases God, for pleasing God is everything. God does not reject anyone, but it is people who reject him instead. It is no different with clergy, and hobby priests and hobby clerics who only play at their vocation ultimately reject God.

     This is such a widespread problem across countless ecclesiastical Sees around the world that We would fail in Our own duty if We did not speak on it. Therefore, We admonish first and foremost all bishops to set a proper example and to counsel and admonish their own clergy as necessary. We further admonish all clergy to follow the responsibilities of their sacred duty. This is absolutely essential for the church to stand against the pressures of the world. God will not abandon those who do not abandon him, no matter how difficult things may seem. This is faith.