Saturday, October 15, 2022

Princely House of Riboalte incorporated into the Pontifical Nobility

By Jean DuBois

FIRENZE-NUOVA ROMA 15 October 2022 (NR

Earlier this week, the Papa-Catholicos of Rome-Ruthenia admitted the Most Serene Princely House of Riboalte, headed by H.R.S.H. Prince Joan de Riboalte, to the nobility of the Pontifical Imperial State of Rome-Ruthenia. The modern Pontifical Roman State is an ecclesiastical entity that carries on the history and tradition of the original Pontifical States, the Roman Empire, and the various Holy Roman Empire states that form part of the patrimony of the Imperial Roman Church

The House of Riboalte is governed by a system of elective monarchy, which elects the heir and the Head of the House. The head of the House of Riboalte also holds hereditary titles from the House of Piccolomini d'Aragona, including Prince of Modanella. The house also oversee the Sovereign Honorary Order of Riboalte (SOHR) and the Brotherhood Knights and Dames of the Holy True Cross (HCDSVC).