Friday, April 10, 2020

Stations of the Cross - Archfather Leads Private Recitation

SANS-SOUCI OUEST 10 April 2020 (ORCNS) - HHE Archfather Don Rutherford I led a private recitation of the Stations of the Cross, otherwise known as the Via Crucis, today, Good Friday, at the Résidence Sans-Souci Ouest. The Stations of the Cross are a Catholic devotion commemorating the last day of Jesus Christ on earth as a man. There are fourteen or stations, each with a devotion focusing on specific events of that day. It begins with His condemnation and ends with Him being laid in the tomb. The devotion for each station involves a meditation, the Pater Noster, the Ave Maria, and a series of other prayers, versicles, and responses. Although this recitation is done in one single location, the Via Crucis often involves moving from one icon to another, each representing one of the fourteen stations. The Via Crucis recited here is according to the traditional Catholic ritual as found in the Rituale Anglicanum, published by the Imperial Patriarchate, with both Latin and liturgical English used. Following its long-standing practices and experience, the Anglo-Italian Imperial Patriarchate, Anglican Rite Roman Catholic Church continues to lead the way during in reaching diverse global audiences through media and mission work during the global pandemic.